Taking chances-Oversea Filipino Workers

Good day steemians!

Many people wants to go travel especially outside the country. New places, new people and new steemians people.



Its been two years since I spent my summer in hongkong. Yes, Ive been there for almost one month and I had so much experienced about the lifestyle of the chinese people who lived in simple. Likewise, our "Kababayan" who work abroad for the needs of their family. Not just exploring , travelling and meeting but knowing their lives after they experience the reality of life.

Meeting with their "Kababayan's"


The life they've made during holidays


Some of them spend more than fifteen years of working. Some of them got a very bad experience like abstaining from food, refraining from going outside during their day offs or theyre not giving their compensation. But not all of them.Even how hard their work they choose to stay for their families.
Sunday is the only day they can go outside and meet their friends ,send money ,calling and seeing their families through social media.


As to what they say ' You cannot spell success without hardwork. '


Some filipino's will do buy and sell . Just to have an extra income even how small the amount is.
The shreading tears when they miss their familes and the smile when they saw us.

To OFW's who worked abroad. I salute you guys. Stay Strong. And to my mother who lives there for how many years. Thank you and Please take care , Jesus loves you. . And to all of us please be patience and listen to them.

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