#STEEMGIGS: (TIL(Today I Learned)) — Daily Devotion - God is everywhere you just need to look at your surroundings.

Genesis 9:16 New International Version (NIV)

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

People see rainbow differently, one can appreciate it and be inspired into writing a song, a poem or even create a piece of art. Some may just look at it and then move forward with their lives. As this verse has told us this time the rainbow signifies the everlasting covenant of God to us.

Before it really makes me wonder, is God really with us?

That took me back to some years in my memory bank when I watched a speaking engagement of this woman.

If you are not familiar with her, she is:

Miriam Redito Quiambao-Roberto (born May 20, 1975) is a Filipino inspirational speaker, author, entrepreneur, actress, television host, real estate broker, endorser, model, and former beauty queen.

That time she is sharing about her love story, a love story before she met her husband Ardy Roberto. She had been single for quite some time but since she is with the Lord then she realized how blessed she is.

She recall seeing a beautiful flower on the street and gave thanks to the Lord. She felt that time that the Lord is courting her. The rainbow after the rain and the warmth of the sun. She felt that the Lord is always with her in her times of weary and especially during the times wherein she is happy. She went to not so good relationship that time and went on the healing process just like any of us. But she is still praying for the desire of her heart to have a complete family still. By the grace of God he got married and happily living with her husband Ardy Roberto. Though some folks raised eyebrows when the former beauty queen chose the widowed man to be her husband she said that she was the luckiest woman and God really gave the desire of her heart.

He never left Miriam and even you and also me!

Going back to the concept of the rainbow, we all know, coming from the lyrics of the song Rainbow that there is always a rainbow always after the rain.

The rain is like a sign of the times of trials that each of us are going through. When the rain stops, definitely the sun will appear with a rainbow telling us that it is a brand new day and beautiful things are waiting for you.

When was the last time that I sensed that God is saying "I care for you?"

As I am writing this blog hmm.. It is around 7:00 PM and my stomach is grumbling I am on our 3rd floor and then my mom shouted

Ver! Kakain na! ( Ver we will be eating!)

See! the Lord cares for me! He already sensed that I am hungry and when I felt it I was called already by my mom that the food is ready.

Besides a rainbow what other God's majesty and glory have I observed recently?

  • The sunlight is earlier this morning I washed some clothes that I wore for the week. It is really dark and I am really worried that it might rain. Praise God it didn't because tomorrow will be Sunday here and maong pants really takes time before it become dry. Especially if there's no sunlight.
  • The life of people around me online and even offline folks. Though I seldom interact with others I often stalk to their profiles and see how God is moving in their lives too. ( Na sha shy akong mag message talaga I must muster some courage)

For the final thoughts to ponder:

When you now look at your surrounding, can you see the promise of his loving concern for you and also for the world that he created? You may have doubts for sure because of the global warming, crime rate etc. But I can assure you that in every dark places, there is always a light and there is God.

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