#STEEMGIGS: #Steemgigs: TIL (Today I Learned): Steemgigs TIL Challenged

Everyday in our life, we learn something new or old, be it small or big. we might not notice it often times. However, It makes a great impact in our lives. Like today, I learned more about steemgigs.org and an awesome site to post my contents. exploring it by learning.

Even the perspective of day to day life. We learn something new, by knowledge or by emotions in deep sense. We have to understand each other, regardless of decisions, reactions and opinions. I have learned that it is important to respect even in contrast with your belief, because everyone is entitled to have their own perspective.even how hard it is to understand them, Respect them and honor their belief. Understanding creates harmony, creates peace and it creates love. What else is better in this world other than understanding peace and love. world will be better.

Even Understanding Knowledge generates productivity in one's self. It is a confidence that spontanously flow within every person. Understanding with heart is an act of love towards humanity. a great traits the world can embrace to be a progressive citizen of mother earth.

Understanding + Peace = Love

We may be all different with our beliefs, opinions or reactions. The important is we unite in the agenda of love and respect. Be bold and sophisticated to accept and understand each other. This is what i learned today, and i will keep to learn because i embrace understanding, peace and love. A golden quest that fills the heart.

Thank you very much.

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