#STEEMGIGS: (motivation & inspiration) — Expect the unexpected and thrive on it

[Image source](https://www.google.com.ng/search?q=expect+the+unexpected+and+thrive+on+it&client=ms-android-tecno&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAhIS5puTaAhUJSsAKHXTHCMkQ) AUIDygB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=ZVHUXliy9iTHM:) One of the greatest lessons you'll ever learn is that life is full of second chances. But second chances often come disguised as unexpected and unwelcoming events. If you look on your own life, you'll probably be able to recall several examples when what you thought was the worst change that could happen turned out to be the best.

In a world where the rate of change is accelerating, it isn't enough to just tolerate change or learn to manage it. You need to anticipate it, embrace it, sometimes initiate it and learn to enjoy it. All change is initially uncomfortable and requires risk, but the more things change, the more opportunities and experiences you have. People who complain about the turbulent times we live in fail to realize that the turbulence creates opportunities to learn, to grow and to get rich. Practice the following techniques to help you ride the waves of change to the winner's circle:

1. Keep your eyes on the prize. If your long-term goal is to reach the winner's circle, don't allow unexpected events cause you to abandon it. There are many possible roads to financial freedom, and you need to find only one.

2. Don't be afraid of success. If you are offered a wonderful opportunity requiring great change, don't let fear be the decision maker. Ask yourself, "what's the worst that can happen and can I live with it?" and "if I weren't afraid, would I seize this opportunity?" If the answer to both questions is yes, go for it.

3. Use disappointment as an incentive to spur you on to even greater success. Unexpected setbacks hurt. Don't deny your feelings. Give yourself a brief time to grieve, then go back to work.

4. Don't let other people's opinions limit your success. You know your own capabilities far better than anyone else. An expert is just a person who knows all the reasons why you can't do something. For example, here are some expert opinions you may find interesting:

*Michael Jordan failed to make his high school basketball team as a sophomore.

*A newspaper agency fired Walt Disney for lacking ideas.

*As a boy, Albert Einstein had trouble memorizing facts and was expelled from school. He later failed an entrance examination to study as an electrical engineer. After graduating as a teacher of mathematics and physics, he was unable to secure a teaching position because his professors felt him unworthy and failed to recommend him.

Stop for a moment and consider what the world would have missed if Michael Jordan, Walt Disney and Albert Einstein had allowed others to define their capabilities. Every one of these people achieved legendary greatness, and everyone was told he didn't have what it takes. If it's your dream and you have the passion to commit your time and effort, don't let anyone tell you it can't be done.

5. Never, never, never quit. That's the key to long-term success. While you may have to take a lot o detours and encounter a lot of dirt roads along the way, the spirit of undying determination is what will ultimately carry you to the winner's circle.

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