#STEEMGIGS: (motivation & inspiration) — dream-Psychological insight

Hello steemgigers... Today I wish to share a psychological insight on the concept of DREAM.


I came across different definitions while am trying to find the meaning of a dream. For the purpose of this post, I will love to define it as a cherished, aspiration, ambition, or ideal concept about what we wish to become.

Psychologically, dream is an important thing in one's life because it's what we have in our psyche that we will work toward achieving. No wonder why many people are confused when they are faced with the question *what's your dream or vision* because they don't have. 

Permit me to look at one or two works from scholars in this area of study. 

Let's look at Abraham Maslow's pyramid (hierarchy of needs). For us to know the important or the reason for our existence that we are not just on this earth to eat, partying and jolly alone that's why we have self actualization at the top of the pyramid (the hierarchy of needs). Though there are some important things before the self actualization level but the main reason of our existence according to the hierarchy is to actualize ourselves/dreams. The question now is what are we actualizing? 

Another theory that I also love was from Erik Erickson (psychosocial theory/stages in human development).

Erickson categorized development into eight (8) stages (from infancy to late adulthood) but I just want us to examine the 5th and 8th stage (identity vs role confusion and ego integrity vs despair). The 5th stage is the right and normal stage for you to focus more on achieving your dreams (for those that have) and the last stage is when you'll be faced with the results of the 5th stage (positive or negative). The role confusion comes when you have no dream or goal for your life. People in this dilemma would just be controlled by circumstances around them only because they don't have any goal for their lives. Though according to him the two stages are between late adolescence and late adulthood but to me it so advisable for every individual to have a dream from the play-group but it's not too late of you are getting this for the 1st time because you can still achieve alot. 

Let's ask ourselves these questions 

What's my purpose here? 

Do I have any dream? If yes, what are my dreams? 

Are my dreams realistic? Because this is also very important. 

Pls, let's set goals for our lives and also work toward achieving it because that's a way to success. Be realistic, optimistic (and also pessimistic when needed because it's also a way to achieve your dreams).

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