Happy mother's day

My mother is perhaps my number one favorite person in the entire universe. There are plenty of reasons for this including her unconditional love for me, her constant sacrifices in a bid to ensure my happiness, her inner strength that makes the world a better place to live, her immense wisdom buried deep within her soul just to mention a few. She is simply a precious gift to me. Mother has a kind and caring heart, very rare in the world we lived in. She shared her heart, warmth and love me despite of being a hard headed person. How she managed to do this is still a mystery to me.
Cooking great food is among the list of things mum loves to do. Growing up, I was always excited about meal times because they were real treats. I owe my cooking prowess to my mother who was also relentless in teaching me to be great cook. Her recipes were often original and well thought of. Up to date, I look for some of her delicacies in restaurants and other dining joints but I have been unsuccessful in locating some. Perhaps I should encourage her to author her own recipe book.
Whenever any of us fell ill at home, mother would move heavens and earth to ensure we received good treatment and care during the entire period. Her compassion for the sick is commendable; she would come up with home remedies for the sickness and spend time making sure we.
Lastly, my mother loves lending a hand to the less fortunate whenever there is an opportunity to do so. She is a member and contributor in more than five charity bodies that help many people ranging from the sick, the poor, the gender biased communities, those oppressed by culture among others. She is often a volunteer at local charity events and you can tell she enjoys lending a hand always.
I may not be vocal always on what am I feeling, but actually no language can express the power, beauty, heroism and majesty of your love. Happy mother's day to you! I am always here for you no matter what. I wil try all my best just to protect you in anything that might cause you pain. I always love you mama!

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