Exploring SurpassingGoogle's STEEMGIGS Steemit Platform



Before I start anything else, I just want to thanks all the steemians who supported my first and second post. It was really amazing especially my Introduction post titled #introducemyself: My Intro on Who am I where I introduced already myself and #tutorial: Continues Learning with SteemAuto where I discuss the STEEMAUTO Steemit Platform.

Steemit Platform really changes the way I think of blogging or article making. I was searching for another steemit platform yesterday and someone refer this platform called STEEMGIGS. It was a steemit platform founded by Sir Terry or known as SurpassingGoogle. As stated on their website, STEEMGIGS is an opportunity for "Everyone has Something to Offer".

So I was curious about their theme ("EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER"). The platform gives an equal opportunity to anyone that accept Steem Dollar or Steem or any currency/cryptocurrency as a mode of payments. You can post anything like products and services. This platform is not only for those who has something to offer, but it is also to all steemians or non-steemians that needs something that offers.

Sir Terry or SurpassingGoogle really did this amazing platform to help steemians and non-steemians find and share what they need by using this steemit platform. The main purpose of the site is to promote and accept Steem Dollar and Steem as a mode of payment to any product or services offers posted by someone.

Signing Up

If you already have a steemit.com account and want to register on STEEMGIGS, all you need to do is open your browser and go to https://steemgigs.org/ . Just click the Log in link in the upper-right side of the platform. A modal will open showing that you need to connect your steemit account via STEEMCONNECT V2. This is the safest way to use your account to connect it to steemgigs. Just Click proceed as shown in the image below.

Steemconnect needs to confirm that you authorize steemgigs to use your posting role so you need to provide your owner or active key or the master password. Do not worry because this platform is very safe to use. Just click Continue and provide your username and any of these (owner or active key or the master password).

Click the Continue button and enter your steemit username and owner or active key or the master password. After you successfully connect your steemit account to steemgigs platform, you will automatically proceed to your steemgigs account dashboard.

The Steemgigs Dashboard

Dashboard is almost the main account page for all websites and here on steemgigs, there is also a dashboard and this is what it looks like (see image below).

In the steemgigs dashboard, you can see the steemgigs logo above in the upper left of the page and in the upper right side, there is some menus like seach where you can search popular post and there is also the messagebox, oh it is not yet functioning maybe sooner. There is also the dashboard button that looks like a clock and the last icon was the cart but still not functioning right now.

There is also the CREATE button where you can create your steemgigs post. Later I will discuss how this CREATE button functions. And lastly the my account picture which has a submenu where you can see your reputation number, wallet value where only see the steem wallet, your settings, the invite friends and the help menu. Oh, there is the logout menu also where you can logout your account.

Below the headers, we can find the POST CUSTOM REQUEST where you can customize your posting method on steemgigs (I will discuss later). The popular search is also there where it displays the top tags use for every post on steemgigs. Yeah of course steemgigs tags is always part of the top searches. The post testimonials is also here where we can create a testimony for steemgigs.

The UNTALENTED EDITOR is also here where you can post anything what you want just like posting on steemit.com. Never forget to VOTE STEEMGIGS as your withness. This will help the steemit organization increase the value of steem and steem dollar. You can also see latest post done from steemgigs here.


Now that we almost discuss all the items on the dashboard. Let's go to the create button which I mention in the first part of this post. If you want to post something to offer, even it is a product or service or anything that you want to share, just click the CREATE button to create a post about your offer. If you want to post an offer to steemgigs, this is the first thing you should fill up if you click the CREATE button. You can see the image below.

You need to fill the gig title where you can put anything that starts with "I WILL". For example above, I want to offer my service for repairing a cellphone, that is why I put "I WILL REPAIR YOUR CELLPHONE". Make sure you put your main purpose in steemgigs so that client can find it easier because the title is the first things they can noticed about your post. If your title is already ok, then a notification below says "Title is valid, you're cool".

Next thing is steemgigs category, you can choose from many categories and sub categories on this platform. For example above, since my offer is related to technology, I choose Programming and Tech Category and under that category, I choose support and IT. Make also sure that the category and sub category you choose is related to what you offer. On the bottom, you can add atleast one tags that you want to include in your post. Click SAVE AND PROCEED if you are finished for this part.

The next thing you can do is giving a description to your offer. Provide a detailed information to anything that you offer so that the clients know what's in and what's out to your offer. For example if you want to offer that you will repair a cellphone, you should include what you can do to repair a cellphone like resetting, cleaning etc etc. This will give information to client what you can do to help them with their cellphone problem.

You can customize this part because this is the body or main content of your post. Just like on steemit, you can set bold letters, highlight some text and images, create tables and upload images or videos. Is it simple right? Click SAVE AND PROCEED again to proceed on the next step.

Next step is setting up the pricing detail. You can include some informations that the client needs to know on how to pay or the payment method. You can also set the price in Steem Dollar or Steem. The delivery method will also be included You can customize also the text like a normal posting on steemit.You can also set other payment method there like bitcoin, or bank transfer of you can also offer a free service. Click again the SAVE AND PROCEED button for the next step.

The requirements is the information the client need to know if they want to grab your offer. You should include all the details of the requirements for you offer. Take note that it must contain atleast 100 characters from pricing to requiements while the body or the content must be more than 300 characters. Like the other to steps, you can also customize the text of the requirements. Just click again the SAVE AND PROCEED button to proceed to the last step of posting making your steemgigs post.

This is the last part of the steps you need to do to create your steemgigs post. The porpolio is the image they see like a banner for your offer. It should be interesting and very attractive. I recommend to use an image that is landscape because it can fit to any platform because it will become your main banner. You can also put a youtube video and setting up what kind of reward you will recieve ones some steemins upvoted your post.

Always click the Like your post checkbox to upvote your owned post. Click SAVE AND PROCEED. Have you notice that there's always a back button on the opposite site of the SAVE AND PROCEED button? It is because you can turn back to your previous step if you have any changes for it.

At the end of all the steps, you can view the details of your offer and it looks like the image above. From your offer title until requirements, its all complete so you do not need to include more or else if you forgot something, just click the Back button. Click the POST #STEEMGIGS to published your offer on steemgigs. Take note that anything you published on steemgigs will also published on your steemit.com account. But your steemit.com posting cannot be posted on steemgigs platform. That is how to create your post offer on steemgigs.

The Profile Page

If you want to view your profile, just click your little photo in the upper right of the steemgigs page or you can type at the end of the url address is the username of the one you want to view or see. For example on my profle with username "makesmesmile", i will just visit https://steemgigs.org/@makesmesmile. The format must be like this https://steemgigs.org/@(username) . You can view all his/her latest post from the profile you are viewing. The profile information include also the details of the account in the left side of the profile page.

That is all for now on this exploration of steemgigs steemit platform. I hope you enjoy reading it and please support steemgigs and surpassinggoogle. By the way Sir Terry or SurpassingGoogle is also the founder of ULOGS.ORG, a steemit platform for ulogs which is the next platform I will discuss. Please do not forget to upvote this post and resteem it. Follow me always for more updates @makesmesmile.


Please do not forget to follow me @makesmesmile and upvote or resteem this post


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