Announcing SGC Labs - #1 Stream tools for DLive

Hello everyone,

Today we are very happy to be able to announce the launch of SGC Labs.

You might be asking yourself, what is SGC Labs and how does this affect me. Well if you are a streamer on DLive you might have noticed that lately it's been hard to find a service that offers you tools for your streams to both enhance it and make everything look better such as vote alerts and follower counter/goal counters. Here is where SGC Labs comes in. Since most of the members in the SteemGC Team are also streamers we decided that we needed a trustworthy service to use for this purpose and that is where our very own @gangze got the idea to make our own version of tools and services for the whole community.

SGC Labs was officially launched today and you can find it by going to the following link

Some of the members have already been using it for a couple of days to test it and it has been working perfectly. The features so far include a dashboard to manage your streams, check the latest voters and also to check the chat. You can also add vote alerts with custom .gif images to show your viewers who is voting on your stream in your own style. The latest added feature is a follower-counter/goal-counter and there are many more great features to be added in the future.

The service is still in an alpha stage and there might be minor issues but we are actively working to keep it running without problems. We encourage you to go and test it out for yourselves and we have created a "sgclabs-feedback" channel in our Discord server where you can give us your thoughts on the project. Of course you can also let us know in the comments below.

There is also a "sgclabs-help" channel in case you need some assistance with setting everything up for your stream.

This is the layout for the site so far and here you can also see some of the features yourself.

So go to the link and start personalizing your own stream with SGC Labs and make it look even better!

During this first month after the launch we have instructed our curating team to keep an eye on users that are both SteemGC members and are using the SGC-Labs on their stream. These users will be receiving larger votes from the SteemGC as a way to promote this project.

Big shoutout to our developer, the one and only @gangze who created it all himself!

If you have any questions regarding the service or the SteemGC in general please feel free to ask us by joining our Discord server - LINK HERE or just asking in the comments down below. We hope you enjoy using SGC Labs.

  • The SteemGC Team
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