ArtAtSteemfest - Here is the Exhibition! See your work in print here!

ArtAtSteemfest is BIG this year!  

We have nearly 140 printed images hung on the rustic cement walls at the LX Factory.  
Printed images from individual Steemian artists, Steemit initiatives, projected sound and images from the Collaborative Art Journey, workshops by @opehliafu, @paolobeneforti and @timsaid, as well as an open mic/type jam session, yoga and laughter are on the agenda for this creative space through the Steemfest weekend.

I want to give you a quick sip of the magnificence we have co-created in this space, first in this post by sharing the printed images that are hung to be shared with not only the Steemians at Steemfest, but with the general public as well.  

If you submitted your art to be exhibited, it was accepted and has already been hanging and shown for 3 days, with 2 more active days to come.  There has been a good buzz about this art space, with many people excited to see their works on display, as well as videos, photos, phone calls back home, and posts shared from this space.

I'll give you a tour around the room, so you can enjoy the amazing works of creation by our ArtiSteemians.

Here we go!!!

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art - (oops!!! I want closer ups of these!)

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

BeachWednesday hosted by @lizanomadsoul  (and possibly a couple of extras that fit this category for display)

Collaborative Art Journey hosted by me, @everlove

B/W Photo Contest hosted by @daveks (and possibly a couple of extras that fit this category for display)

Steemit Portrait Contest hosted by @jasonrussell (and possibly a couple of extras that fit this category for display)

SunThursday hosted by @lizanomadsoul (and possibly a couple of extras that fit this category for display)

Individual Art

Individual Art

Individual Art

NeedleworkMonday hosted by @crosheille

Individual Art

Individual Art

 @verbal-d has created an album of his beats inspired by my images, as a base for a video created specifically for projection here at Steemfest2.  We will be projecting this video with his beats, along with sounds from other musicians participating in the Collaborative Art Journey.  @roelandp has set up some cool television displays to share all of the 481 Collaborative Art Journey images created by 94 artists from all over the world this past year.  We hope to project these larger on the walls as well, and fill the space with good vibrations.

I snapped a few images .... oh so much more to come!

@elmetro shared a post a couple of days ago of his interview with me about my winning Portrait Challenge  image of @quinneaker  - initiative hosted by @jasonrussell.  See that  interview here.

All printed art work has been labeled with the artists name and other information submitted to ArtAtSteemfest.  

(NOTE:  I've had a little gliche in my wifi and a few of my images disappeared while preparing this post.  I believe I have gotten them all back in their proper place without missing anyone--but, if you find that your submission is not featured here, please give me a head's up in the comments below.  I am not presently at the venue, but will double check all these photos and entries when I arrive there again.  Just so excited to share this with you right now!!!)

I hope you have enjoyed the show as much as we are!

Love to all you artists---thanks for making this ArtAtSteemfest show possible.

I am grateful for your support and your inspired,
passionate participation.

Stay tuned, more to come!

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