🎁🎈 The New Front-End Reveal Of Yesterday Is Just The Beginning...More to Come During SteemFest 2? 🎈🎁


Hello Steemians,

I was "live" when the color scheme, logo and night mode was revealed yesterday. Some people where really excited and some didn't like the change of logo and color scheme...but unanimously, everybody enjoyed the night mode!

Whether or not you like the new branding, it's function was essential to make it clear that Steemit.com is NOT the same as the STEEM blockchain and cryptocturrency. This will make all marketers and promoters job easier.

So is that it? Was it "the big surprise" that Steemit Inc. had for us to celebrate SteemFest 2?

As we saying goes in marketing:


But why would they not release everything in one swoop?

It's just basic psychology. People won't be able to fully appreciate all the little changes if they are bunched together with hundreds of other little and big changes.

So what they do is drip drip drip 😁

To top it off, if you want to get people REAL excited, you push those new updates right in the middle of a live event.


What Other New Announcement Should We Expect During SteemFest?

This release was just the appetizer in my opinion. Let me put a caveat on this:

This is speculation on my part...even though it's an "informed speculation" it is still speculation.

Upcoming Update #1 : The Mobile App

The mobile app has been in the work for months and was scheduled to be released in 2017. I would not be surprised now since the new branding is out. This will come as a boon for sure.

Upcoming Update #2 : Hivemind Protocol aka Communities

The update we had a few days ago was just there to make the way to what's coming.


You see that nice blank space on the right? Yeah...that's not a mistake. It's a placeholder for a complete new array of feature that will bring in the ability for people to have the equivalent of sub-reddits on steemit.com.

I have been longing for this update for so long and spied the github of the hivemind protocol in anticipation for this.

Upcoming Update #3 : SMT TestNet

This is very speculative but smart media tokens has made quite the impression in the world of media. When the whitepaper was released, people wanted it to be developed already.

The SMT TestNet would be a boon to all the devs that are already present at the event...they might even have access to it during the hackathon? Who knows!?

Upcoming Update #4 : What Else In Your Opinion?

This is where I leave it up to you to speculate on the upcoming updates coming up during SteemFest.

The comment section is yours and I'll make sure to update the best ideas.


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