Steemit: A transparent solution for sustainable change

Our project in Nepal

(Is anyone doing a Steemfest 2 competition in which this would be a valid entry?.... Because I'd really like to talk to you in person about this project...)

painting - Copy.jpg

Steemfest 2 as a platform to give

For most of the past year, the thoughts of doing some volunteer work in Nepal has been on my mind, and having recently finished an I.T. contract at the United Nations in Spain, I'm now free from the 9-5 grind and ready to pursue something that holds more meaning.

This would be to offer my time and skills in a place where I would see a direct impact.

Working for one of the world's biggest 'charities' sounds great, but sitting behind a desk supporting the systems that support the people in offices, who support the people on the ground, who bring aid to the people in need, just felt a little too far from the action to me.

Last year, my girlfriend ( @osm0sis ) spent some time at a Children's Home in Nepal, and the passion in which she describes it has made me interested and eager to do the same. This sounds like a great way to have a positive impact on people's lives and may indeed be something that could fill my soul with joy and satisfaction in that i'd been useful during my time here on earth.

So as it stands, this November we will be heading to this children's home to continue and expand on the work Sylvia and other kind volunteers have done in donating their own skills, time, and funds.

Last year's work - @osm0sis

As well as providing Montessori classes and education in I.T. and ESL to the school, emotional and moral support for the children are also an important part of the work. In addition to this, funding and assisting the restoration and improvements to the infrastructure and materials is something we'd really like to be directly involved with.

The school (under the sun in this photo) and children's home in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The grade one classroom needs a touch of color....

The Montessori materials could do with an upgrade...

Homework by candlelight

Sleeping arrangements at the children's home

New books bought thanks to donations

New microscopes bought thanks to donations

New paint for the hall at the Children's Home

End result after days of hard work by the children

Paint, musical instruments, school furniture and materials, sports equipment, and tools to aid learning are just some of the things that are required to improve the quality of the children's home and school. On top of this, we will be providing both children and adults (teachers and care-takers) with various skills which can be of use in their future.

We'd really like to make a long-lasting, beneficial impact on the children, with your help if possible.

So, what about Steemfest 2 being the location to pick up some ideas and gain some support for this project?

Lets try to get there first before we go to Nepal? - Sounds like a plan to me!

Wait.... why not just give to charity?

Maybe this article can guide the answer to this question:


“We shouldn’t reflexively send $10 to the Red Cross”

The Red Cross takes in close to 3 billion annually, refuses to open its books to the public, and, according to Katz, has consistently failed to produce a useful breakdown of its spending after major disaster efforts.

So they don't tell you where the money has been spent? hmmm

The Red Cross isn’t a development organization — they don’t rebuild schools or hospitals or infrastructure.

A bit more of a band-aid and quick fix then?

quote 1.PNG

So the cash is just sitting there, unused?!


I think you get the point here, but there is plenty more food for thought on the web if need be:

How Charities Spend Your Money: Eye-Opening Truths to Read Before You Donate

Worried about where your charity donations are going? Here’s what you need to know

What we'd like to do, just like the blockchain provides, is to offer transparency and be able to show you just where the donated Steem is going.

And wouldn't it be great to show and prove the power that we have as a collective, as many small donations become a large and meaningful contribution in total.

Blogging this process would be so cool

  1. We discuss with the adults and children to see what's needed
  2. Bring this information to you
  3. Donations are given
  4. We purchase or act on the result of your feedback
  5. Show the receipts, results, and gratitude in the form of smiles :)

What does our community say about using Steem as a vehicle to transfer wealth to where it is needed?

Our fellow vlogging giant @exyle has spoken out about giving to charities following increased wealth attained through Steemit, but also mentioned being a little disheartened about the visibility of his donations.

Check out the vlog I am referring to from this point onwards or just listen to the lot because it's one of his best in my opinion.

Quotes from the above video:

In my mind, I'm thinking about all the good that could do (with your Steem)...

My upvote could change a life in India... wouldn't that be a beautiful thing...

It would be nice if there was a way to find projects to support... like a charity... if i could find people on the other side of the planet that could really use the money...

Ok Man, I'm here with a project for ya!

Can you imagine me painting a classroom in my Steem t-shirt (supplied by @stephenkendal hopefully!), using paint provided by you and then showing you the work and impact your Steem has had?

Would you like to see a blog in which the children have given a list of needs and wants, and you can pick from a list of items you'd like to provide - and then see those items in action?

What about if we've sprinkled enough Steem at this location, would you wish to see more of the same elsewhere?

Would you be keen to support this? Does this seem like a reasonable place to send your up-vote to?

I'm hoping it's a big 'YES!' to all these questions

Connecting Steemit to those in need

This is what I'd like to do. Offer Steemians the chance to support charitable work directly and see the results in action.

I'd like to offer this out as a proposal to the Steemit community and gain as much feedback as possible.

Who do we need to speak to? Either online or at Steemfest?

Is this something the community would like to support?

Do you have any questions or advice for us?

Does anyone want to fly us to Steemfest 2?!

Thank you very much for taking the time today to read our plans/proposal/contest entry, we are looking forward to your feedback.

Asher @abh12345 and Sylvia @osm0sis

All un-sourced photos taken by @osm0sis - Nepal 2016

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