Steemians الطريق إلى حول الحياة التايلاندية SteemFest | هذه هي توقعات

* في أقل من شهرين ، سيتم تنظيم أكبر حدث في العام لـ Steem: SteemFest 4 في بانكوك! من أجل كسر الجليد ، قررتanomadsoul في العام الماضي تقديم علامة #roadtosteemfest التي يستخدمها Steemians الذين يخططون لحضور SteemFest - الكتابة عن موضوع أسبوعي حتى نتمكن من قراءة جميع أفكار الآخرين ونشعر بالفعل بأن لدينا الفرصة للتعرف على بعضنا البعض قبل أن نلتقي في الحدث الفعلي

Steemians إذا كنت تريد التعرف على @anomadsoul في تايلاند ، بدأ الناس الكتابة عن الموضوعات التي قدمتها SteemFest لذلك ، أيضا للقادم
! الآخرين قبل السفر طوال الطريق إلى بانكوك ، فهذا المنشور يناسبك.

  Blocktrades  ستكون هناك مفاجأة لطيفة في بانكوك لأولئك الذين ينضمون إلى هذه الموضوعات الصغيرة ، وبعض الأصوات 
                                                                                                       .هنا وهناك لمساعدتك في تغطية نفقات رحلتك في نوفمبر المقبل

من فضلك read the original announcement of this week's topic here
.تريد إنشاء منشور حول هذا الموضوع

stemains كتب الناس الأسبوع الماضي من أجل الحصول على مساعدة في تمويل رحلتهم. هذا الأسبوع ، نحاول الحصول على بعض الأفكار حول
الحياة التايلاندية يغطي هذا المنشور مجموعة مختارة من المشاركات التي تمت كتابتها حتى الآن لا تنسى أن تتبع زملائك

وربما التعليق على وظائفهم من يدري ربما ينتهي بك الأمر في لقائهم في بانكوك هذا العام steamains حضور

    وأفكارهم / توقعاتهم على الحياة التايلاندية       stemains 10  تعرف على هؤلاء    

@jacuzzi has already been to Bangkok and writes about some of the impressions the city left with him:

The People. People are the best part. Some will try and take advantage of you, but more people, so so many more people are just good-hearted. They love life, they want to learn about you, and they want to share their story with you.

@jaki01 announces he is going to SteemFest4 after going to SteemFest3 last year, and seems to be looking forward to Thai Food, as does his wife:

Well, apart from meeting nice people and keeping up to date with the newest STEEM developments, I am looking forward to eat real Asian food again. Especially my Asian (Indonesian) wife, @kobold-djawa is eager to taste real Asian street food, which she is sometimes missing in Europe.

@waibeyondpathai knows Bangkok by heart as it's the city she lives in! Following her blog might be the best preparation on going to Thailand in general.

Thailand is colourful and hot. I'm looking forward for all the Steem people to be so that it would be here. I would be even more colourful! You have no idea how not easy it is to be one of the not so many people in the city / country that know about Steem. Not that I don't try I even try to sneak in bit by bit and tell people all about it. A lot of them don't understand or not trying to

Our Boy Terry aka @surpassinggoogle will be speaking at SteemFest4 and made a video for this week's topic.

Today is September 1 and a very significant day in my grind, so i cut my hair and tried out 3speak in a video to participate in the contest. Do well to watch the 10 mins video.

He tried to visit SteemFest3 last year in Kraków but unfortunately wasn't able to - so he is of course extra motivated to attend this year!

@vaelriey fills her post with mouth-watering photos from Unsplash, while writing about stuff - including Muay Thai - and why not! Punching and kicking sounds good to me :-)

I have joined the Muay Thai class once and although it wasn't with a Thai coach, I enjoyed it so much. I felt strong and it felt good to be able to punch and kick! And I think Thailand is the best place to learn Muay Thai. I am not sure if this is possible during this trip due to lack of time, but I do hope I get to experience it!

@rmach definitely is looking forward to the Thai Food, and is even planning which meals to order in a restaurant already:

After a few days, when I have the time to settle and gather good advice, I intend to have a seat in a proper restaurant and order something fancy. Overall, I cannot wait to try the different types of spice and curry. I always picture myself in a beautiful beach holding a natural juice or a cocktail. Good thing we're going to an island after Steem Fest.

@ramengirl's post made me hungry, but she can also recommend some cool shopping oportunities:

If you're shopping lover I recommend you to go to chatuchak weekend market. It's the biggest local market in Bangkok, and they only open during the weekend. They literally have everything. You can buy good quality of souvenir with affordable price. It's a huge market so it's going to take the whole day to look around the market. Steemfest city tour day is on the weekend so it's a good chance to experience the biggest market in Bangkok.

@alokkumar121 made a wishlist for Bangkok, and I hope all items will get a checkmark during his stay!

I have a few things in my list to do in Bangkok. Visiting Grand Palace, Shopping in Siam Paragon, Boat ride on Chao, Phraya River, Explore and eat out in Chinatown, Taste Street Food, Nightlife of Bangkok, Puppet Show, Thai Massage,Drink on the top to explore the city and got the names of Vertigo and Moon bar which has it.

@misslasvegas has big plans for Thailand, and her post is a fun read!

Why? It's my favorite country, my favorite people 😍, my favorite food (wake me up any time for Tom Yum Goong and you'll be my best friend forever!), my favorite beaches, full moon parties, islands...(Koh Samui was my favorite place on earth, and some people called it "Little Amsterdam", I wonder why...🤔). And funny enough, I even loved the heat! Thailand will be an experience and a half, I promise.

Last but not least, @bitrocker2020 describes maybe the best thing to do after all the socializing and walking around in the city:

If you've not had a really good Thai massage, you don't know what you would be missing. The experience of Thai massage makes you feel just amazing as the technique they use is so different from those normal massages. Towards the end of it, you get stretched, pulled, and all you can hear is your body releasing all its stiffness making you feel refreshed.

بشكل عام ، أشعر أن معظم الناس يتحدثون على الأقل عن الطعام التايلاندي - لذلك لن يكون هناك نقص لشركاء العشاء في شهر نوفمبر في بانكوك!

@anomadsoul شكرًا للجميع على الانضمام إلى هذا الموضوع الأسبوعي الذي قدمه
محظوظة واحدة steemfest4 يُقدر أي تصويت أو استرداد ، نظرًا لأن جميع المكافآت السائلة من هذا المنشور ستذهب لتمويل تذكرة دخول

ناك ثلاث مسابقات أخرى مدعومة بـ steemfest4 بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في الحصول على فرصة أكبر للفوز أو الحصول على التذاكر الخاصة بهم لـ متاحة لك ، لذلك تحقق من ذلك Blocktrades
- Get FIT with Actifit and Blocktrades and WIN a Steem Fest ticket! (@blocktrades + @actifit)
- Win Two Steemfest Tickets + Accommodation | A Blocktrades + Steemhunt contest! (@blocktrades + @steemhunt)
- Win a Steem Fest Ticket by being a Travel Blogger! (@blocktrades + @travelfeed)
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