Lesson #4, based on TED talks by ELIZABETH GILBERT


This lesson is second part of the following lesson#1. As the text is pretty big in this lesson we are going to work only with a part of it.

First you need to study lesson#2, Part1 and lesson#3, Part 2.

Step 3: Watch and follow the text from 04:42 to 06:10 then pause the video. Complete the sentences with missing ARTICLES {a, an, the or nothing}. (Part 3).

Part 3 {04:42 to 06:10 }
04:42 But in ❒ both cases, it turns out that there is also ❒ same remedy for ❒ self-restoration, and that is that you have got to find your way back ❒ home again as swiftly and smoothly as you can, and if you're wondering what your ❒ home is, here's ❒ hint: Your home is whatever in this world you love more than you love yourself. So that might be ❒ creativity, it might be ❒ family, it might be ❒ invention, ❒ adventure, ❒ faith, ❒ service, it might be ❒ raising corgis, I don't know, your home is that thing to which you can dedicate your energies with such singular devotion that ❒ ultimate results become inconsequential /ɪnˌkɒnsɪˈkwenʃl/.
05:15 For me, that home has always been writing. So after ❒ weird, disorienting success that I went through with "Eat, Pray, Love," I realized that all I had to do was exactly ❒ same thing that I used to have to do all ❒ time when I was ❒ equally disoriented failure. I had to get my ass back to work, and that's what I did, and that's how, in 2010, I was able to publish ❒ dreaded follow-up to "Eat, Pray, Love." And you know what happened with that book? It bombed, and I was fine. Actually, I kind of felt bulletproof, because I knew that I had broken ❒ spell and I had found my way back ❒ home to ❒ writing for ❒ sheer devotion of it. And I stayed in my home of ❒ writing after that, and I wrote another book that just came out last year and that one was really beautifully received, which is very nice, but not my point. My point is that I'm writing another one now, and I'll write another book after that and another and another and another and many of them will fail, and some of them might succeed, but I will always be safe from ❒ random hurricanes of ❒ outcome as long as I never forget where I rightfully live.
06:10 Look, I don't know where you rightfully live, but I know that there's something in this world that you love more than you love yourself. Something worthy, by ❒ way, so ❒ addiction and ❒ infatuation don't count, because we all know that those are not ❒ safe places to live. Right? The only trick is that you've got to identify ❒ best, worthiest thing that you love most, and then build your house right on ❒ top of it and don't budge from it. And if you should someday, somehow get vaulted out of your home by either ❒ great failure or ❒ great success, then your job is to fight your way back to that home ❒ only way that it has ever been done, by putting your head down and performing with ❒ diligence and ❒ devotion and ❒ respect and ❒ reverence whatever ❒ task is that love is calling forth from you next. You just do that, and keep doing that again and again and again, and I can absolutely promise you, from long personal experience in every direction, I can assure you that it's all going to be okay. Thank you. (Applause)

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Created by @irina.olsen

Materials used:

  1. TED talks
  2. Previous lesson#3.
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