Some New, Some Old...

When it comes to EDC type gear I tend to buy and sell a lot of it as I discover things that work well and things that don't work quite as advertised. So with that said I'm kind of always trying new stuff...


The bright red thing is a Velcro backed patch made my Wndsn XPD, it's dyed leather and a great looking design. This isn't something that really "works or doesn't", but it looks cool and reps a pretty cool company and their philosophy of "Perpetually Exploring". The black bit is a fancy shank type implement. Made from G10 it's undetectable to metal detectors. I don't do anything that requires me to carry it for work, but it's cool and in this world that is constantly more focused on security theater it never hurts to have options other than metal knives or guns available.

Something Old


(Note the dark brown version of the Perpetual Explorer patch 😉) This photo is about the Kifaru G2 woobie and the Goruck GR1. The woobie is a staple of an infantryman's load out. It's like a sleeping bag and blanket all rolled into one. Of course there is a GI version which is excellent, but this Kifaru one take it to the next level. I don't use it a whole lot anymore, but when I do it's like being embraced by an old friend. I've had it about 7 years and it's kept me warm in everything from 10 degrees to 70 degrees.

The GR1 I've only had about a year and a half, but it's one of those things I don't know why I waited so long to get. I've used a lot of backpacks over the years and this one is my favorite by far.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but sometimes you can help him think he's learning something new!

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