on the SteemDreem

The deconstruction is coming along. I have no schedule so I work on it if/when I get the urge. Now that the weather is cooling off I expect that I'll do so more often. The interior is pretty much gutted. All the paneling, tables, counters, lights, wiring, and various types of hardware has been removed. Most of it has been thrown away due to being rusted or otherwise unusable.

all gone...I'm down to fiberglass in many places.

Right now I'm digging out waterlogged flotation foam that was under the floor and removing rotted stringers, ribs and other bits and pieces of wood. When I get done there will be nothing but fiberglass.

Then I'll start the rebuild...

The SteemDreem is pretty much on my mind 24/7. The wife is getting damn tired of hearing me talk about it I'm sure.

Oh. Well.

So I'll share my thoughts here....any comments would be appreciated.


The SteemDreem was originally a SeaCamper built in 1972. It had dual volvo penta inboar/outboards. Each engine was over 225hp.

That's in the 500 hp. range.... EACH ONE put out about the same HP as my first Truck

with a cumulative weight (engine, drive, associated hardware, fuel tank ) of damn near a ton.

All that's gone and will not be replaces.

I've been considering alternatives, and believe me I've considered just about everything.

At the moment I'm interested in something called a mast aft sail rig. To be more precise an "A-Frame foldable mast, not very tall...perhaps ten or fifteen feet? I imagine it to be something like this


Only much smaller and MUCH less complicated.

From the top of the mast a line will be run to the front of the boat...and a piece of something (canvas, tarp, sheet, tablecloth? ) will be attached.

credit I said..MUCH, MUCH smaller, and less complex.

The SteemDreem's days of being a hot rod are over. When I get done it'll be a sailing (barely) houseboat. The idea is NOT speed...the idea is cheap, simple, and easy.

oh yeah...roller reefing...

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