EUREKA! Finally (Basically) Figured Out @Tippy's Reply/Vote/Transfer Queue Functions! Screw You 20 Second Post Limit!

F**k That Was a Bit of a Struggle..!

For the past few weeks I've been nearing completion of the @tippy text-to tip service's code and many long development days have nearly got this amazing upcoming tip bot ready to see full launch. While some more distinguished software engineers may scoff n' giggle at my lack of classical coding education or my inefficient yet persistent brute-force trail and error method of development however one thing is for certain... I'm a firm believer / living proof that if you want to do something bad enough you will go to any lengths to achieve your goal and ultimately will succeed.

While it took me literally all damn night, a few days worth of googling and having to ask my fellow developers for hints to get the timed queue functionalities prototype'd / implemented / tested for the tippy project I'm glad to announce as of a few hours ago that the script is finally starting to show signs of actually functioning somewhat as intended!

( A sneak peak at the @tippy console showing it processing multiple calls )

@Tippy still occasionally crashes at this point, still needs a few blatantly obvious to me now design flaws fixed, the program data handling cleaned up, more comments added to the code and a public beta testing period before launch but the aim is to still have the service launched by the first of next month. That leaves me 4 days to get the application finished, public test and kill any nasty bugs that pop up during the public beta.

While humanly possible perhaps I certainly will need help from the community to test @tippy in the near future. In the mean time I've picked up enough energy drinks to give an average mortal a heart attack to attack the tail end of this project development.


Programmers have to be the only sub-species of human on the planet that can turn THC and caffeine into code! What I've observed over the course of the past while is that the right amount of caffeine seems to keep the mind focused while a sativa flower inhaled every so often to keep the mind stimulated as well as stave off the frustration or boredom that comes with staring at hundreds of lines of code.

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