My Strategy and Roadmap to Become a Full-Stack Developer


Have you ever desired to acquire a superpower?

Well, learning how to code, to me, is like learning a superpower, to be honest. I'm amazed at what devs can do and how they are able to create something out of lines of code.

As I look into the future, I can't imagine that learning how to program and design interface on top of blockchain won't be a valuable skill in 5 to 10 years. It feels exactly like 95's when the internet was just starting to be used.

My Roadmap

One thing I've learned in my 20's is that I should organize my learning into a sequence that makes sense. My goal is that my roadmap allows me to see the results of what I am learning as fast as possible to keep my motivation juice flowing. Lucky for me, a good roadmap is provided in the course that I bought on UDEMY.

I already had HTML and CSS down from my years working with Wordpress. But even so, I decided to start from the ground-up and not skip the modules just in case I would miss an important concept.

So I went to Udemy and picked the top class for complete beginners:

Lectures: 349
Video: 43 hours
Skill level: All Levels

Technology covered:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SemanticUI, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, Unix(Command Line) Commands, NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, MongoDB, Database Associations, Authentication, PassportJS, Authorization

That course only cost me $15CAD on Udemy. As you can see this is pretty extensive and I'm already at about 20% of the course.

My Strategy for Learning Fast

  1. Go through the Bootcamp roadmap
  2. Take a break between each module to apply what I've just learned so that it sticks
  3. Practice everyday

Then once those 43hours of classes are done. It's time to get serious and make sure that I've incorporated what I've learned so far. I will come up with a series of complex projects that I will have to implement from scratch.

Once I feel "kind of" comfortable with raw javascript, I'll choose a few frameworks and dive deeper into Node.JS to build apps on top of STEEM. They will be basic projects at first and hopefully, by next year, I would be able to start working on something more complex.


One should never stop learning ways to add value to other people. Udemy offers a really cheap way for people around the world to become better at anything you decide to put your mind to. All you have to do is have a burning desire, faith, an organized plan and specialized skills.

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

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