How Can A High Frequency Poster Be Determined?


In steemit, there are some very good authors, whom I like read, curate and follow their posts. In fact, they are on my steemvoter list, so that I don't get to miss any of their posts. However, I first noticed immediately after hard fork 19 that a steemian with very high reputation (70 +) and  loads of steem power (SP), posted not less that 15 times within a space of 24 hours. Since I wouldn't want to mention names, I would use this badge below to illustrate how highly placed these people are in steemit. 

 I saw my voting power that day reduce to less than 50%. I couldn't figure out what the problem was when I checked. The only thing that came to my mind that day was that someone was stealing my votes. I cried out for help through a post. Later, many kind Steemians rallied round me to assist. It was discovered that this person in question was on my voter list, which I set to vote  at 100% before the hard fork. I had to quickly adjust the weight of my votes for everyone on my list, since those votes were draining my voting power.  Fast forward to this week.

Posting Five Times A Day

 I have noticed again since the start of this week that some Steemians with 70+ reputation, with relatively high steem power (SP) are posting as much as five times within a 24 hour period. The understanding is there that these very well meaning veteran Steemians are doing this to help those of us who are fairly new (less than 6 months) in the steemit ecosystem. For that, I am very grateful. A blog post of @steemcleaners titled- Tag Spam and High Frequency Posting Guide,  caught my attention  regarding frequent posting of content on steemit. 


The post does not really state in numbers how often one person can post in a day for it to be considered as high frequency posting. This has raised a question which I would like to pose. My question to @steemcleaners and every member of this amazing community is this. Is it okay for me or any other Steemian to post 5 times a day, within 24 hours? 

Image source 1,2,3

Please, good and honest answers to these questions would be highly appreciated. 

How often on the average do you post in a 24 hour period? Feel free to share your thoughts. 

Please, reblog/resteem and upvote  this post. 

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