Logo SteemChurch "My beloved Venezuelan"

I owe everything to him, with a deep feeling of gratitude to God, I will begin to write these verses, in any place of the world just at this moment there would be someone who is leaving this earth, his time of stay here would be culminating, but you and I are still here, it is one of thousands of reasons I have to tell you how grateful I am for life, look at this logo that I made for @steemchurch #Venezuela I hope you like it. I believe in this project that is going to be established here in #Venezuela. Because I owe everything to him.


A long time ago, someone said: "He who does not live to serve others, does not serve to live.

This called my attention a lot, because I meditated every moment on this phrase and thought that there are many people who have needs and may be going through more difficult moments than what you and I go through today. It is true that each person decides the way to go. But there is nothing more beautiful than being able to extend your hand, to the one that is fallen and needs a helping hand to be able to get up.

Have you heard a famous song by Pastor Marcos yaroide? Here I show you the link so that you spend 4 min of your time to listen to it if you feel identified with the words you have read.

I am so grateful because it has allowed me to have the breath of life to be able to write for you. I have seen some steemians who have taken part of their earnings obtained by the votes generated and are invested in a sowing of love and mercy carried through meal plates for people who have spent a lot of time without tasting a good vocation.
@Steemchurch #VENEZUELA becoming present.


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