the first commandment with promise

The first commandment that God gave and which contains a promise was: the commandment to honor the parents.
That was a simple command from God, written with his own hand, and delivered by Moses to them; it was of a moral nature, and an eternal obligation: and in order to be understood better, it does not refer only to that high esteem in which children carry their parents in their hearts, and to respectful language, appropriate gestures used towards them, as well as the joyful obedience that will be given to them; but it also refers to honoring them with their substance, feeding them, dressing them and supplying them with what is necessary for life, when they are in need; which is for all the service, for all the care, expense and problems that have been presented to them, as well as having raised them in this world.

(Mark 7: 11-13)But you say: It is enough for a man to say to the father or the mother: It is Corbán (which means, my offering to God) everything with which he could help you, and you do not let him do more for his father or for his mother, invalidating the word of God with your tradition that you have transmitted. And you do many things like these."

The word offering here is the word Corban that the Lord used speaking to those Jews who did not honor their parents. Basically what those Jews said to their parents was "anything you can benefit from me: my property, my income, is Corbán, that is, dedicated to God and I can not give it to you". This was an oath they used to do not to help their parents. They made oaths dedicating everything to God, and therefore they could claim that they had nothing to help and in that way they had no obligation to such support towards their parents.
"If once having dedicated his property he declared that it was" Corban, "or a gift to God - it was not right, not even to use that good, to support a father. If a father was in need or poverty, and had to ask the son for help, and the son responded, even annoyed, "it is dedicated to God; this property that you need and which can help you benefit from me, is "Corbán" - I have given it to God - "the Jews said that the property could not be claimed, and the son was not obligated to help the father with she. The son had already done something more important having given it to God. The son was free. He could not be asked to do anything for his father after that. And in that way, he could, at some point, rid himself of the obligation to obey his father or his mother (Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible, Albert Barnes (1798-1870))
The father is the fundamental pillar in the upbringing of children, and if they rely on the ways of God, they will have spiritually fullness to guide their children pir the right path full of love and happiness that only God can offer. a father or a mother could be called that by the blessing of God in the womb of a woman, that wonderful milegro of the creation of a child to be able to form a family, a fundamental factor in the ways of God to reach the greatest earthly happiness with our God Creator walking by our side.

It is a command from God to honor our parents with all that honor can include. The commandment to honor our parents is the first commandment with promise and in truth what promise: To live a lot on earth and to do well! Most people would not want anything more than this! Well, that's the promise. It is not unconditional! It is conditional and will be granted to those who honor their parents.

(Exodus 20:12) Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may lengthen in the land that Jehovah your God gives you.

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