STEEMCHURCH: We have to be imitators and imitable.

Hello my dear brothers of @steemchurch

Imitate. In this word we can see the urgent need for us as Christians to be imitators but also to be imitable people. We see this example not only in the apostle Paul where he places himself in the position of a person who imitates but who is also imitable if not in the person of Jesus, he himself said I do what I see the Father do (John 5: 19), and at the same time is the most worthy example to imitate for all of us. For Paul says I imitate Christ.


We must imitate good examples.

The apostle says imitate me, what he is saying is, I am a good example to imitate because he imitated Christ.

3 John 1:11 "Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God; but he who does evil has not seen God".

We have an example: The canary that imitated sparrows.

A man who had a canary who sang very well, when spring came, he thought that the poor bird needed more air and sun, so he took it out to the garden, hanging the cage from a tree. Swarms of sparrows soon surrounded the cage, and the canary began to imitate the little musical creak of his new friendships. The owner of the bird noticed and took the canary back to the house. But it was too late. The little bird had lost his song forever.


It is true that we often see very bad examples, where we go the bad examples are, but despite all this we must imitate the good example we see in someone, let us inspire, sometimes it is good to stop a bit and observe, detail how Someone does that which is difficult for me.

Observe in detail those people who have managed to do what I find difficult, and not to compare myself with that person but to inspire myself and believe that just as HE, a normal human being has achieved things I can do it too.

In this passage that we read is the apostle John, and speaks about a character called Diotrefes, he says Diotrefes is a person who does things that are not worthy to imitate, he works badly, he has opposed us in everything, speaks badly of us, but when we go we will unmask it.

And the apostle John advises Gaius not to imitate such behavior, so that he imitates good behaviors. Let's be the ones who imitate the good, the ones we let ourselves be inspired by the good of the people.

In this verse we can also realize that there are people worthy of imitation, there are still good examples, the apostle speaks of another man named Demetrio and says everyone speaks well of him. So let's see people worthy to imitate and if you do not see them then be one of them.

Do you have good examples to imitate?
Do you have people who motivate you with the example they give?

Hebrews 13: 7 "Think of the leaders who told you the message of God, for they always trusted in God. Think a lot of them and follow their example".

The Word of God commands us first to follow examples in men and women of God, to follow examples in the church.

Hebrews 6:12 "We do not want you to become lazy. Rather, without hesitating for an instant, follow the example of those who trust in God, because that is how they will receive what God has promised them".

Again the word of God urges us to follow the example of mature, persevering Christian people, so we have examples to imitate. The word motivates us to work, strive to follow the example of those who have reached promises of God and tells us not to be lazy look at the work of those who have achieved victories so you will be able to achieve what I have for you. But do not be lazy, we have to make an effort.


We must all be imitable.

Just as the apostle placed himself in the position of someone imitable, so each one of us are called to be imitable models for others.

Philippians 4:17 "Be imitators of me, and look to those who thus conduct themselves".

Those who behave like Pablo. We are going to see this verse from the perspective not of the one that imitates but of the model, of which it is imitable. Not the one who looks but the one who is said to look like that man, look at how that woman conducts herself.

There are people who surely do not read the Bible, but they will see our walk and they will be able to see the word in action. The apostle Paul spoke to the church in Corinth, they had not seen Christ, they did not have the gospel because it had not yet been written, not like us now, that's why Paul says to them, imitate my position that I move like Christ.

You have not heard Christ, because you can hear it in me, you have not seen Christ, you can see it in me, you did not see the walk of Christ, I walk like Him. This world needs to see God in praxis of the church, in the daily life of the church, you need someone who models you and tells you without words, this is how Christ wants us to be.

That's how you love God, that's how you serve Him, that's how the Bible says we should move, this is how we should love.

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