

The world as we have it today, has made it seem as though a person must be extraordinary or say special to be able to be a person of relevance in the society. But have we ever taken our time to ask ourselves, why we should want to be special?
What should drive us as a people, to be extraordinary and what does it actually entail to be extraordinary.

The truth about being extraordinary, apart from people who are born geniuses at certain things, is that the person put a lot of work into that thing. That is what made the person special. And I must say, it feels good to be able to stand out, or be good at something that not everyone is capable of. But I must ask, should that be your goal?

Should your focus be on trying to make yourself stand out in the crowd? And if it is, would you get satisfaction in doing it, or rather crave to do something more, regardless of how ridiculous it might be in order to stand out more? And at what cost, would it take for a person to realize that being special in a particular thing, means just that!

It simply means that you are special at one thing but average or probably less than average in other, which can be summed up as average overall if we are taking an average.

The world as we have it, with its advancement in technologies has helped to provide countless solution to the problems of our everyday life, but like every other thing, it has come with its own problems. And when are we going to realize that its problems are more deeply rooted than we think.
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The advent of the technological age has given rise for only those who are considered as Extraordinary People be shown doing their “Extraordinary deeds”, that we forget that life is not about these things but the very little things that we have lost track of in our world.

I think the world is so caught up with trying to keep trends and displaying some particular extraordinary feet, that people forget to actually enjoy the simple things of life. A lot of young people stress their selves out into thinking that they are not special or not deserving of the good things in life because they do have such special trait. They stress their selves out and end up either getting depressed or generally unsatisfied with their lives.

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We need to begin to take joy in the things that truly matter, in our loved ones, in our ambitions, in our health and other things that are beneficial to us. And stop putting ourselves in a frenzy over being unable to do some ridiculous feet that would only get us in the limelight for as long as we can be the only one “special.” Else we will end up missing out on our lives while we are still young and full of energy.

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