The revival - By Albert Crespo.


What does it really mean revival?

Can we do something to bring revival?

Does God want to revive?

These are the main questions that come to mind, and that we must solve, when we talk about revival.

Will you not give life again, so that your people may rejoice in you? Psalm 85: 6

What is a revival?

First of all we must solve the first question, What is it ?, and with this we refer to what the Bible understands about revival.

To awaken means to vivify, to animate, to ignite.

And for this situation to be necessary, there must have been a blackout, a descent, or a mortification, that is, an approach to the inert state (without life)

Once this concept has been clarified, when we refer to a revival in the believers or in the people of God, we refer directly to the desire to be rekindled by and for God, that our love for him be red-hot, be constant, that we can live in the fulfillment of the first great commandment.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your strength, with all your mind and with all your soul" Mark 12:30![]

Why is revival necessary?

And to understand this important thing, we must go to the Scriptures, so they can tell us the reason for this disobedience to the Lord.

and because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold Matthew 24:12.

This is the main cause why our love for God is cooled, the increase of iniquity, both in the world, in the church itself, and in our hearts.

Every act of injustice, every impure or false thought, that is not submitted to obedience to Christ. All expression of sin in our lives, lead us to a distance from the Lord, and to darken our lives with respect to His glory, love, holiness, justice and divine grace.

Self-examine because our question then, should it be, do I need a revival? Therefore, have I entered into disobedience? In lack of faith ?.

The fact of needing it presupposes rebellion and disobedience to God on our part. Do we understand that when we sing and pray for revival? Do I really want it?

Let us examine ourselves and ask the eternal Father to fill us with fire of his holy glory

@windermarin @steemchurch @sc-v @sc-n @sc-g

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