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Hello guys,

I really feel I need to talk about something very important that has been the invisible part of my programming niche. I have noticed that "THE FIRE" has been missing from many people's life who claim they follow the faith. The fire is not gotten when you pray in tongues for 11 hours and think you have arrived, it is not going to church, it is not reading the bible, or listening to men of God's messages and living off on that, it is not working in the prophetic, or other gifts of God that people work in, The unique fire I am talking about can only be gotten by hearing, seeing, understanding,

and handling the word of God.


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The bible says in Jeremiah 23:29 is my word not like as a fire, look at that scripture with particular interest to the two objects of simile used simultaneously "like and as". If something is like and as something, is it not that thing itself?

It is in fellowship with the Holy Ghost, that we get the word. We have people that believe that the longer hours you pray, the more you know God, so they pray with wrong motives, wanting to set a record for the time they pray.

I don't check the longitude of time I pray, I do not set time limits to my prayer (except when I intercede for lost souls, I tend to stretch myself). And here is the reason why, God is my friend, when you are with a friend do you set time limit for your conversation with him/her? are you conscious of time when you talk with him or her, you will not even want to part with that friend. God in as much as He is God, He is also a being, He is a person, He needs to feel loved, He needs to be spoken to as a friend in as much as He also needs to be honored and reverenced. So next time you pray, talk to God as a person, as a friend, and for Christ's sake listen also to what He has to say, a lot of us just gab at God, repeating one prayer line over and over again as though He is deaf, it is not so, He is the reason you are alive, and He also is living!, He is not hard of hearing, telling Him once is enough, He has heard you already, why gab and get wordy as if it is in the multitude of your words your prayers are answer?

This also is a big carnality.

Now here is a prayer of faith: Scriptures says John 5:14-15 "If we ask anything according to his will He hears us", scriptures also say that "Whatever we desire, when we pray we are to believe that we have already received them and we will have them" that which we ask for" so this is the prayer of faith ask Him once and thank and glorify Him for giving you what you have already received, remember that thanksgiving multiplies whatever He gives you, so just thank Him and stop repeating lines of prayer like as if you are talking to a wall, then God will look from heaven and say something of this sort "Look! There is a son, he is already thanking me for what He is not seeing physically, I am glad in Him".

Now this is the relationship with God I know.

Remember that God loves you and His mercies are endless, never feel condemned when you fall into sin, rather obtain mercy repent from your ways and pursue God, even if you fall again

and again and again, His mercies are endless scripture says a righteous man may fall seven times yet He will rise again. So anytime you fall make sure you receive grace to rise again.

Remember I say again that God loves you dearly

Till next time I remain your forever able violed25th. signing on.

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