it is not about going to church everyday or hearing sermons everyday that makes you a good christian, but building in the things (His Word) we have heard. One of the ways to make things work for us is to personalise the words of God. One of the things we have lost as Christians is the virtue of reflection, we have lost the virtue of confronting ourselves with the truth have we ever thought of how far about going far? Mary the mother of Jesus was always reflecting on the things happening in the life of Jesus Christ, she was conscious of His wellbeing including His growth.

a philosopher once said "An unexamined life is not worth living".

1 Peter 2:21
For even to this were you called [it is inseparable from your vocation]. For Christ also suffered for you, leaving you [His personal] example, so that you should follow in His footsteps.

This scripture tells us that we have to work just as Christ walked. A christain growth/deveoping position is divided into three ;

  • Sitting

  • Walking

  • Standing

our sitting talks about our position in Christ, it deals with our Christain calling, our walking talks about our life in the world, it is man's worth, from our position its close to God, but at our disposition, its close to men, it deals with the Christain conduct. Our standing talks about our attitude towards the enemy (Ephesias 6:10-24).

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We realise that in life, whatsoever thing that we do that does not start from God cannot work. We must understand our provision in Christ and our Identity in Him, and we must begin to live the life of Christ. This is our perspective of walking in His steps.

The world can easily identify us by the sanctification of our conduct, by the way they see us live, after they might have examined our life. People saw Jesus and the difference in Him was noticed, this is why we must be careful in our dealings because people around us study us, we might not have taken cognisance of this and they might not tell us that they they do, but they watch and monitor our steps. the scripture recorded that "He who abides in Him", if you claim you are in Christ there are certain things expected from you.


Only those that have come into Christ can walk in Him, it is not just for you to come into Christ and remain the same way, there must be a difference that must begin to show forth in your life. if the scripture says "we are light" then we need to start shinning as light.

Stages Involved In Walking In His Steps

  • The path created for us to follow

  • The pattern laid down for us to follow

  • The price to be paid by those who follow

  • The price awaiting the faithful.

The Path Created For Us To Follow
A path means a threading way, lie a way certain persons have passed before, it also means a route, it can also mean a way of life or conduct. If we say this is the path we have chosen, it means this is the way we choose to live our life, this is what we have chosen to do. Our walk is meant to start somewhere, looking at the topic again Walking In His Steps, this means that we have to walk.

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Jeremiah 6:16
Thus says the Lord: Stand by the roads and look; and ask for the eternal paths, where the good, old way is; then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk in it

God was speaking to His people, God was not interested in them walking in the path they have chosen, he wanted them to to walk in the path he has chosen for them, but why was God particular about this path? This was because He expects that for as many that will come to Him should come through a particular path and direction, before He commands them to walk, He told them to look for the path first.

it is irrelevant and useless to claim to claim to be walking when we are actually not on the right path. There are several paths but there is a path God has chosen. As christains, as we are walking, it is important to ask ourselves "Am i on he right path?"

psalm 1:1
a]BLESSED (HAPPY, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather.

This means that there is a path that leads to death and there is one that leads to eternal life, there is a path that a man will thread and end in destruction and there is another which he will thread that will lead to everlasting life.

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in a summary of it all, we are going back to the cross because that is where the journey began from. Jesus speaking that "He is the way, He is the truth and He is the life, no one cometh through the father except through Him". It is only in Christ that we find meaning and purpose, it is only in Christ that our walk makes sense and it is only in Him that our walk will be fruitful.

To be continued.


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