
Metamorphosis can be translated in such a manner that there's no connection between where you are and where you were, when we see the stages of development of a butterfly, there's nothing we can see that connects its different stages to the final organism which is the butterfly, as a caterpillar you can say all it could be is a worm, there's no atom of indication that this crawling organism will one day develop wings to fly, so also when it is in the pupa stage it appears like being dead, this is why apostle Paul used the word metamorphosed into the same image from glory to glory, the more you see the more u appropriate, the more you become what you possess personally.


It is not everyone that possesses the same virtue, the fact that you are in the same circumstance does not mean you are in the direction with somebody. The fact that you are in the same class, have the same age does not mean you are called to function in the same way. If you are ever going to be excellent in life the trajectory is never dependent on where you are currently.

There were two thieves with Christ , bearing the same capital punishment for their crimes ,yet with such damning circumstances, one made it to paradise ,the other to hell. Same circumstance but different outcomes , why? Because one saw differently. When you receive revelation, it transforms everything about you, your trajectory and direction in life is a reflection of the information you possess.
It is a reality that we can only be appropriated via knowledge through a higher knowledge quotient , your profit may appear in all direction, the fact that we are in the same point or place today in life doesn't mean we are going to end up the same way.

We have different destiny trajectories the fact that we have the same age doesn't mean we are both on same path. Your path is born of conviction, maintain your path, exclude the concept that their are mates in life. If you are ever going to make it in life you must have a proper reflection of your environment. When Jesus was 12 yrs old, he was the only 12 yrs old in his locality, why? Because when he was born Herod the king killed every other child born on that the same day, he grew up without peer group influence, it is either you are older than Him or younger than Him. If you ever going to impact people, then you are to live that way, a life without peer influence, if you are going to make impact you have to define your direction.

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There's nothing that has so succeeded that can not fail, be it individual, country,company etc. The converse is also true there's is nothing that has so fail before that cannot succeed. All some people do is just to add to the ecosystem, existing without significance and impact, that is why David said

"teach me to number my days , that I might incline my heart unto wisdom".

You cannot become what you have not conceived, you have to place your mind on the trajectory you have conceived. We are all created so we are creators , we have the same nature and gift, whatever a man can imagine, he can attain.
How do I excel, excellence itself conceptually is a consequence not a goal, if you ever want to excel, then excellence should not be a goal , God has not called us to be excellent , he called us to be perfect . He told Abraham "walk with me and be ye perfect". The bible says looking up to Jesus the author and perfecter of faith.

Excellence is the product of a tireless commission to perfection, when the goal is perfection, excellence becomes a by-product because perfection cannot be attained in the flesh. So when you are tirelessly committed to the pursuit of perfection, we consistently will be excellent. 'I press towards the mark of the high calling' this is a perfect goal; this we should focus on. when you make excellence your goal you occasionally sleep but when you make perfection of your goal it results to excellence. God did not call us to be the best, there's no such award in heaven such as best Evangelist best pastor etc heaven has no record system of such awards. God did not call us to be the best, God called us to do our best.

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Eccl 9:10
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (the place of the dead), where you are going.

Whatever your hand finds doing b focused with it. In most countries when they move from military government to civilian government or change the ruling party from one to another and the country still experiences same problems , the country is not the problem but us, despite all the changes , none seem to be a solution, this is because we have failed to address the fundamental problem. We ourselves happen to be the fundamental problem.

Life does not willingly give you what you want, life offers you what it has , it is now left for you to discern if you accept what life throws at you or you make an impact to change it. Life only make offers, whatever task you set your heart upon to do, exhaust your potential on it.

41And He sat down opposite the treasury and saw how the crowd was casting money into the treasury. Many rich [people] were throwing in large sums.
42And a widow who was poverty-stricken came and put in two copper mites [the smallest of coins], which together make [q]half of a cent.
43And He called His disciples [to Him] and said to them, Truly and surely I tell you, this widow, [she who is] poverty-stricken, has put in more than all those contributing to the treasury.
44For they all threw in out of their abundance; but she, out of her deep poverty, has put in everything that she had--[even] all she had on which to live.

In the kingdom of God, poverty is not an excuse not to give, many that were rich cast in much, but there cake a certain poor widow who was not intimidated by others' wealth, she selflessly gave all she had. Out of the much the rich had they gave a proportion but out of the little he had she gave it all.

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It is not about what you have, it is not about what you give, but it is about what you give out of what you have. Heaven's reward is on the proportion of what you give out of what you have. In the kingdom of God, prominence doesn't matter, it is not relevant. You should always be concerned about how much of your potential you have exhausted, for God wants you to use it all. For to whom much is given, more is expected, and to whom that gives the most shall receive the most. The angel called Gideon "the mighty man of valor" why? The angel was actually giving him his heaven's identity of who he is meant to be, but Gideon gave all kinds of reasons why he couldn't be this person heaven wants him to be, stating he was the least in the family and his family was also the least in the environ.

When Gideon received this report, he worked with it and became the deliverer of the land. When you act upon your potential it manifests outside, do not allow the bad names people calk you to become your identity. Always exhaust your potential on every work you do, always evaluate yourself.

Your background should not be a limitation to your success in life, your environment or position in the family should not limit you from maximizing your potential

1Corithians 2:15
But the spiritual man tries all things [he [g]examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him].

As Christians we already have favor and safety, God works with principles, irrespective of who you are, what you do and where you come from God's principle standeth sure, you will surely succeed if you follow these principles. His principles are for everybody "seest thou a man that is diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings and not before mere men", the bible didn't state if the man must be a Christian, but it said a man, that is any man, so far you are diligent, diligence is the principle here, follow it and do great exploits. This is why we see some unbelievers progress today even more than believers this is because of the natural principles they imbibe.
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We want God's promise but we don't want to go through the process, there's a process before the promise. You will rule only when you discover your potential. The generation that will change the world is that generation that chooses to utilize and exhaust its potential.


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