God is depending on you to bring change to the nations, you must not fail God.
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Mark 3:13-14
13And He went up on the hillside and called to Him [[d]for Himself] those whom He wanted and chose, and they came to Him.
14And He appointed twelve to [e]continue to be with Him, and that He might send them out to preach [as apostles or special messengers]

Jesus called the 12(twelve), he had a reason for calling them, the twelve disciple Jesus called were not the only disciples he had but he decided to pick just twelve amidst them all.

Before Christ called the disciples He took them out to the mountain from amongst others. Mountain signifies a place of upliftment .
Today many people jump into the ministry without being called, without being taken up to the mountain to be consecrated and uplifted amongst others. In the life of Moses also, God called him to climb up to the mountain to receive the commandments, on the mountain there he spoke directly to God. During the time of Sodom and Gomorrah likewise, God told Lot to climb up the mountain to be saved, although he chose to remain in the valley where he faced destruction.

Your profession, your status and background does not guarantee your provision, but your obedience in His words do.

Jesus Christ is the only one without pride, Christ called them (the disciples) to be with Him that they may work together. Evangelism is not by theory but by practical, He called the disciples so that they could follow His steps knowing fully well that His time was short also. Christ needed men to represent Him and continue in His works.
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When God created man He rested on the seventh day, He rested not because He was tired, but because He finally created man, a replica of His image, to continue to work and walk with Him and to be in charge of every other thing He (God) had created. Man was meant to be the caretaker of every other thing that God created. Christ gave the disciples the order, power and authority to preach because He knew the task was not an easy one.


  • Learn at the feet of the master
    God has instructed us to preach about the kingdom and not a message of money or fund raising, we also need to learn at Christ's feet by seeking His kingdom first (Matthew 6:33).

Matthew 24:14
14And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.

Today preachers raise money in the church instead of raising souls for the kingdom of God.
When it is time for you to learn don't hesitate, when you learn at Christ's feet, when ever and wherever you go, people will want to hear from you. You can only give of what is inside of you. Those who learn at the Master's feet don't complain, they don't grumble and they are always patient.
The first step is to study and show thyself approved, just as Peter said.

  • You cannot do without prayer
    You have to pray and pray with the spirit of God before going to evangelise as this will help you unlock every heart you meet and come across.

  • Allow God to lead you
    In the place of prayer God will show you the way.

Acts 9:6
Trembling and astonished he asked, Lord, what do You desire me to do? The Lord said to him, But arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.

You have to be patient just as Abraham was patient following God.

  • We need to wait for His direction
    We have to wait for God to get direction from Him, just as Christ told the apostles in Acts, they waited for Him and the power of the Holyspirit came upon them and moved amongst them.

Luke 9:57-60
57And it occurred that as they were going along the road, a man said to Him, Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.
58And Jesus told him, Foxes have lurking holes and the birds of the air have roosts and nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.
59And He said to another, [v]Become My disciple, side with My party, and accompany Me! But he replied, Lord, permit me first to go and bury ([w]await the death of) my father.
60But Jesus said to him, Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and publish abroad [x]throughout all regions the kingdom of God.

These men gave Christ conditions and reasons why they couldn't follow Him, when they heard of His status of having no place to lay His head.
Allow Christ to call you, and when He does, don't give excuse.


  • Prompt Obedience
    James and John were with their father, they never knee Christ before then, but they followed Him leaving being every other thing, immediately He instructed them to.


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