What is God's purpose for your life?...


I am very interested that each one of us can know what God's will is for our life. Someone can say: "That's easy, I know that God has a good, nice and perfect will for me; let him fulfill his Word. " And that is very good, but that is the will that is written in his Word.

There are two ways of knowing the will of God: The first is reading the Bible, here is a good part of God's will for our life, what God wants to do, establish, how he wants him to live and what he wants him to experience. But it is not all, because here it does not appear what God's will is with his work, the woman with whom God wants him to marry does not appear, nor the name of the person with whom he is going to make a business. However, God has a will about that. What defines God's will for my life? Number one, what his Word says. And number two, is what is known as God's purpose for my life. I mention some names: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, all had purpose in his life. The purpose that Jesus was to fulfill on earth is the same for us? No. Jesus' was to save humanity. Does that purpose of going to the cross, of giving your life, of sacrificing yourself, of being crucified, is the same purpose for me? Do you have to treat me in the same way as Jesus? No, that was God's specific purpose for his Son.

There is a purpose that is only for you, not for me, and only you will fulfill it, because God has endowed you with everything you need to do it; your own mission, your own responsibility. There is a plan made by God to fulfill it.

You will say: "I know that in the Bible he says nice things for me, but in the time of the Lord, I will know them." I ask you: "What was Maria's purpose? Give birth, conceive the son of God, take care of him, train him so that the Son of God could fulfill his purpose. Every person on earth has a reason to be, to live. Do you know what I want with this message? Move that we are not the people who live life while passing. Simply, live for living, learn to survive, but you will get old, your life went by and you say: "It's over." You lived, you endured the disease, your wife, your mother-in-law, etc. We live a life of endurance, but why do you come to earth? I always wanted to preach the Word of God, to serve him, but it was not that one day I told him and the next day I was a pastor. Many circumstances happened in my life that some day I will tell you. It cost me a lot to fill the anointing, I did everything they told me and nothing happened. I fasted, I went, I retired to a house in the sea to look for God and I did not receive it. And there are others who only get and are already full, but it was not like that with me.

I needed, I needed to find a purpose in my life, so that every time I opened my eyes in the morning, I would realize if I am fulfilling God's purpose for me. The day I close my eyes, I want God to give me the opportunity to reflect on whether or not I fulfilled the purpose for which I came into this world. The things that I have gone through are because God has wanted it, now I am the result of what God has done in me. What do I live for? You can say: "To have my children, my house or money," but that is not your purpose.

I am interested in something: that you know the reason of your life, because then you will live happily and you will know that while you breathe, you will do things that will lead you to fulfill your purpose in life. If your expectation is to be professional, do it, but it's not just that. You have to think about your profession, but for what? To be of benefit to humanity, to someone else. A person is ready to marry when he is ready to live to make another person happy. We all have to have a reason to exist; we can not get up and see what will happen. If you do not tell life what is going to happen, life is going to tell you. But you need to know what God's will is for your life. Do you know who did not fulfill his purpose? Samson, it was lost. He did not use the opportunity of life that he had and he lost it, he died, but it was not the way that Jesus had planned that man's life. There was a woman who managed to cheat and lost her purpose. When human beings know what we are on this earth for, there will be nothing and no one to separate us from that. When does a young person lose the purpose of graduating from college? When he meets a young lady who captivates him and distracts from that.

I am going to tell you something: There were two human beings who, having told God what they should do, started wrongly, although in the end they succeeded, they obtained a very good result. But they started using certain methods that delayed the promise. The worst thing is to delay the promise by doing it humanely. One of the principles is the following: It is the natural thing that we do, and the supernatural that God does. There is a part that God is going to do and a part that you are going to do.

Father, I thank you for your Word, and I will continue talking about your Word. I want to ask you tonight that your children can know what your will is for them
I ask that everyone can know your will.

Father, tonight today I want to receive from you what is your will for my life, what is your purpose. Today I surrender my will to your purpose, I will do as you tell me. Talk to me, direct me, teach me because I am determined to do your will here on earth. Amen.

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