The sacrifice of Christ, fulfillment of God's plan of love

Have a warm greeting from Victor Alfonzo and a nice afternoon God bless you greatly.


The sacrifice of Christ, fulfillment of God's plan of love

We value what has cost us effort, but in the case of Jesus' sacrifice, we must show Him that we thank Him for His infinite love by dying for us on the cross. Every gift is valuable because it is a sign of affection and should be appreciated. God has given us life and salvation, there is no more valuable gift, and we must thank him infinitely.

Each year, we reserve a week to remember His passion, death, and resurrection because we want to commemorate that fact that gave us salvation and new life. During that time, we remember how he was wounded in many ways, with a whip that demolished His body, with blows, with pushes, insults, and spit. He was crowned with thorns and crucified to die in a painful and humiliating manner. His sacrifice was necessary for the Father's plan of salvation to be fulfilled because the wages of sin is death and someone had to fulfill that condemnation in our place.

Of course, none of us asked for this to happen. No one told Jesus: "Please, bear my guilt, my disease, and my poverty." He did it voluntarily out of love. It is as if Jesus approached each one and said: "Give me your sickness, I will suffer it, I will take it, give me your sin and your poverty, I will bear with it" 1. Therefore, His sacrifice is the greatest gift we have received and we can not underestimate him or ignore him, on the contrary, we must thank him eternally. Certainly it did not cost us anything, in fact, He did it to avoid suffering, but it is our duty to show Him that His sacrifice was worthwhile and that we thank Him for our life given to His love and away from sin.

We will all die, this is an inevitable fact, but we know that dying is not the end because Jesus gave us eternal life with His death and resurrection. He deprived the devil of the power he had over our existence. From the moment of the resurrection of the Lord, there is no longer a condemnation, but salvation for all2. Before that glorious event, the devil could present an act against us to condemn us to eternal death, but that proof no longer exists, because Jesus paid the price for our present and future life.

we had direct access to the Father. So from that moment, we can approach you as His children to adore Him and thank Him for His love. Now we know that death is only the passage to a new life and that while that happens, His perfect plan also took into account our existence in the world, that is why Jesus, in addition to our sins, took our diseases and became poor. On the day of His death, the Bible tells us that the veil of the temple was torn in half so that we would have the possibility of a good life. His gift is an eternal blessing.

He took our place of curse and death. They punished him for the sins he had not committed, they crucified him and buried him, but that grave was empty! There are no more laments, but joy and promises of life in abundance. Thank Your sacrifice with your life of forgiveness, love and service. Never forget what he did for us, never cease to value and recognize him, because the love of our God is extraordinary.

There will come a day when you will have Jesus in front of you, you will see the scars in His hands, and you will be able to thank Him for eternity, but as that time comes, live each day as if it were the last and show Him that His love was worth it. Praise him, love him and glorify him with every step you take, with every expression of interest for your fellow men. God was not lacking in loving you, so do not be short in thanking Him, do not limit yourself, surrender completely, just as He did.
The sacrifice of Jesus will be worthwhile insofar as it is evident in your whole life and given to the service of your brothers. Your expectations regarding your life are as great as His sacrifice. Say: "Lord, I have enough reasons to thank you for so much love. From now on, my existence will be an expression of gratitude. Today I sanctify myself and I promise to obey Your Word. I will no longer be a slave to sin because You freed me, so I consecrated myself to You and I commit myself to changing the lives of other people who will know you through my testimony. "

1 Isaiah 53: 3-5 shares: Despised and rejected among men, man of sorrows, experienced in brokenness; and as we hid his face from him, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. He certainly took our diseases, and suffered our pains; and we felt him scourged, wounded by God and dejected. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our sins; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we were healed. We all went astray like sheep, each one went his way; But Jehovah bore in him the sin of us all ...

2 Hebrews 2:14 says: So, because the children partaken of flesh and blood, he also participated in the same, to destroy through death the one who had the rule of death, that is, the devil.

For we have all sinned; no one can achieve the glorious goal established by God. However, God declares us righteous freely and kindly through Jesus Christ, who freed us from the punishment of our sins. For God offered Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are declared righteous in the eyes of God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life by shedding his blood.
Romans 3: 23-25

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