The family


Despite the distortions it has suffered throughout the history of humanity, the family has remained the most reliable link of unity among human beings. Generally speaking, a person's family is their support throughout life in ways that no one else can or wants to do.

From the beginning of mankind, God made it clear that he wanted man and woman to come together to form a family. "And God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth "(Genesis 1: 27-28).

God also instructed Adam and Eve to join physically and live together, becoming one: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they shall be one flesh" (Genesis 2:24).

God gives husband and wife a family: "Children are a gift from the Lord; They are a reward on your part. The children born to a young man are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. How happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! "(Psalm 127: 3-5, New Living Translation).

The family, according to God designed it, is a source of supreme joy and continuous pleasure. But is the family unit something that only applies to physical life, or is it perhaps the representation of something much bigger and more glorious? Does God have a fundamental purpose for the family unit, which 7 billion people do not know? Let's explore the magnificent purpose that God has for the family.

The fundamental purpose of the family


Part of God's ingenious communication with humanity is carried out through physical models that represent spiritual realities. For example, the Scriptures describe our bodies as physical temples (2 Corinthians 5: 1) and also describe the Church as a temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). God uses different symbols to represent the divine, spiritual and immortal reality of his plan of salvation.

This is also the marriage. The marital and family relationships that human beings have the privilege of enjoying are simply models or types of the spiritual family of God and the coming wedding of Jesus Christ with his people transformed (Revelation 19: 7).

Both Jesus Christ and the saints of God are children of God, Christ being his firstborn Son, the first to have been raised to divine glory (even though he also pre-existed in glory before his human life, contrary to all of us. Read our free booklet The True Story of Jesus Christ. The union of Jesus Christ with the New Covenant Church is represented by the heavenly Jerusalem, where God considers that his family will be seated. This "Jerusalem from above" is "the mother of us all" (Galatians 4:26), and God will be our father for all eternity.

Eventually, after two periods of great salvation-the 1,000-year reign of Christ and the subsequent judgment of the great white throne (Revelation 20: 4-6, 11-13), God the Father will bring the New Jerusalem to a renewed Earth , and Christ will present you to the billions of children of God who will have been saved.

The apostle Paul describes this event well, showing the order of the people who will be elevated to glory: "But each one in his proper order: Christ, the firstfruits; then those who belong to Christ, at his coming. Then the end, when I surrender the kingdom to God and Father ... "(1 Corinthians 15: 23-24).

Therefore, the fundamental purpose of the family on Earth is to provide a great spiritual and divine family for God for all eternity. That is why the importance of the physical family is so vital for God and for us. When we understand the fundamental purpose for which God established our human families, we acquire peace and security and we can overcome the egoistic tendency to consider children as obstacles or discomforts.

We can also accept more easily the opportunities that God gives us to dedicate ourselves daily to the welfare of our children. This will bring us joy and other rewards, some immediate and others later. But all human beings have a human nature that fights against us, as an enemy that we must overcome. And we can overcome it, through prayer to God and meditation on his Word, as well as the strength and comfort that come from the Father and Christ through the Holy Spirit.

The family unit helps us to strengthen the conjugal relationship. The family relationship has a fundamental purpose: that all those who are willing, become part of the divine family of God. Now you know the fundamental purpose of the family unit. And with that glorious knowledge, you can help to secure your own family in the peace of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ!

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