Steemchurch The mercy of the Lord

The mercy of the Lord is a subject much talked about in the Word of God. The word "mercy" appears there more than 250 times and today we will take a look at some of those apparitions.

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Mercy: What is it?

Mercy is a term that comes from Latin and refers to a virtue of courage that leads human beings to feel sorry for others' miseries. It is a kind attitude that, in general, can show a wealthy person towards someone who has more needs than her, or a subject who has been offended towards his offender.

For Christianity, mercy is a divine attribute understood as a synonym of consideration, kindness, and forgiveness, that the faithful ask God to have mercy for their sins and disobedience. It is a term deeply linked to Christian precepts, present in many passages of the Bible and in liturgical songs, and in the names of monuments and cathedrals.

God of Mercy ?? Understanding Mercy
God is known as a God of mercy and grace. People often find it difficult to understand mercy, as we tend to be a generation of "you're going to pay for it" and "I hope they get what they deserve." Many have developed a very harsh critical nature and want others to receive what has happened to them and more.

However, God is merciful even to the worst offenders, sinners, and transgressors of the law. This means that although He knows our guilt, He does not always order the deserved punishment. To extend this, the verse in Romans 3: 23-24 says: ?? ... all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

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Simply, we are all sinners and do not meet the standards of justice that God wants us to have. But, by His mercy and grace, He provided a way for our sins to be forgiven, through our acceptance of Jesus Christ - even if we do not deserve it. Along with grace (having obtained the free gift of God's forgiveness, although we have done nothing to deserve it), we are given mercy, because he loves us and only asks us to accept his Son by faith.

God of Mercy ?? Who is granted
The God of mercy asks the following in Micah 6: 8: "O man, he has declared to you what is good, and what does Jehovah ask of you? Only to do justice, and to show mercy, and to humble yourself before your God." These words are addressed to all mankind. You and I are being offered mercy equally. He has shown us what is good and responds to what is required of us. Micah asks God in Micah 7:18, "What God like you, who forgives evil and forgets the sin of the remnant of his inheritance? He did not withhold his anger forever, because he delights in mercy.


Mercy and grace are best illustrated in the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. We deserve judgment, but if we receive Jesus Christ as Savior, we receive mercy from God, and we are delivered from judgment. Instead of judgment, we receive by grace salvation, the forgiveness of sins, an abundant life (John 10:10) and an eternity in heaven, the most wonderful place imaginable (Revelation 21-22). By the mercy and grace of God, our response must be to fall on our knees in adoration and thanksgiving. Hebrews 4:16 declares, "Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

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