Our life in order


Another year, another series of resolutions. What are you resolved to do?

Maybe your resolution goes beyond weight loss or financial savings. Maybe you're ready for a transformation: a new beginning. But is it really possible?

Sometimes we make known resolutions that turn out to be nothing more than illusions. It is possible to want to change but it is not a resolution until we do something about it. A true resolution puts our desires into action. So, what can you do?

The Bible has a lot to say about the desire to improve ourselves. The apostle Paul says in Romans 7:18: "Although I wish to do good, I am not capable of doing it." Why is that?

As imperfect people, we are often attracted to things that are not good for us. We have a problem called 'sin' that weakens our souls; that prevents us from doing what we well know we should do.

Just as a person with a broken leg can not compete in a race, nor can someone with a broken soul not live properly. Sometimes we start to deviate in the wrong way and we think there is no turning back ... But it is not like that.

Maybe it bothers you where your life is going, but it's not too late to turn back. Change is possible with Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, it has become new!".

Only Christ can transform us and give us the strength to live as we should. This year, he resolves to follow in his footsteps. This does not guarantee a perfect year, without stress, but it guarantees you a friend to guide you and the joy of being with him forever.

Start a new beginning today. Start by asking for Christ's guidance for your life. God bless you!!!!!

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