Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, Christ, or simply Jesus, is the figure on which the Christian religion stands and one of the most widespread in the culture of the West, because Jesus Christ is not only considered by the various Christian considerations as the son of God but also as his incarnation, that is, Jesus Christ is God made man, who came to planet earth with the mission of saving mankind from original sin.

Jesus Christ is considered in as a transcendental preacher and founder of the Christian Church.

The life and work of Jesus Christ are recorded in the Gospels by those who were the first Christians, their followers, and apostles.

Jesus Christ was born in a humble family of Nazareth, approximately in the VI century BC, and his parents were Joseph, a carpenter, and Mary.

Although the Christian civilization imposed the count of the years from the birth of Jesus Christ, it has been demonstrated that both, the birth of Jesus and the first year of our era, are not coincidental because Jesus was born a time before in the time of King Herod and has It is precisely this that allowed us to define that the birth of Jesus was earlier than what Christians say.

Meanwhile, the birth of Jesus Christ is accompanied by a series of elements that would later form an integral part of the doctrine and the Christian faith, for example: Jesus is a descendant of King David, the virginity of his mother, Mary, the annunciation of his pregnancy by the archangel Gabriel, the adoration of the newborn by the shepherds and astronomers of the East.

After suffering in the flesh the persecutions of King Herod that led the family of Jesus to take refuge for a time in Egypt, his childhood developed without alterations in the city of Nazareth.

Around the age of 30, Jesus Christ begins his task as a preacher, joining the preaching that his cousin Juan El Bautista had been giving.

One day, after one of his sermons, Jesus Christ, he was baptized by John in the Jordan River and there was the first announcement of his relationship with God, since John the Baptist affirmed that Jesus Christ was the messiah that God had given him. Promised opportunely to Abraham.

After the Baptist was captured and executed by Herod for such sayings, Jesus took charge of the task initiated by him and began to preach to the masses of the people his truth.

On that path, Jesus Christ, recruited some followers who would later become his twelve apostles and accompany him in his journey through Palestine.

The preaching of Jesus Christ consisted of a revision of the Jewish religion materialized from simple and poetic words, and added concepts such as love of neighbor, detachment from material goods, forgiveness, and hope in eternal life.

Soon, the humblest began to identify with Jesus' proposal and it grew with the news of the different miracles that he was getting.

His enormous arrival in the town, plus the accusations of moral hypocrisy of the Pharisees, determined the concern of the official authority that saw Jesus as a threat.

So Jesus Christ was denounced before the governor Romano Pontius Pilate for proclaiming himself King of the Jews and Messiah, it should be noted that in reality, the kingdom that Jesus was talking about was none other than God's.

The government began to surround him and Jesus knew that his end was imminent, then, he gathered his disciples in what has been called The Last Supper; Jesus was imprisoned on the Mount of Olives as he prayed, presumably thanks to the help of one of his disciples, Judas, who betrayed him. This situation begins the Passion of Christ, a process in which he will be subjected to very hard sufferings before finally being crucified on the cross.

Three days after being crucified, Jesus rose again and ascended into heaven.

The apostles were responsible for the spread of Christian doctrine throughout the world and especially by Paul of Tarsus, the new religion, expanded to a point such that today is considered the most popular religion in the world.

John 3:16
God so loved the world
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life.

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