God with us

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

Isaiah 7:14


You will call his name Immanuel God with us. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. From the days of eternity, the Lord Jesus Christ was one the Father, was the image of God, the image of his greatness and majesty, the radiance of his glory. He came to this earth darkened by sin to reveal the light of God's love, to be God with us. Therefore, it was prophesied of him: He will call him Immanuel.
By coming to live with us, Jesus was going to reveal God to both man and angel. He was the word of God; the thought of God made audible. In his prayer for his disciples, he says: "I have made known to you your name", merciful and pious; slow to anger, and great in mercy and truth

The Almighty God, the one who created the heavens and the earth, decides to choose a young virgin and reach his womb to engender in it the most precious fruit for humanity. God had supernaturally cared for and protected the life of Mary because in her she would entrust the care of His own Son, whom he would call Immanuel, which means "God with us".

Although Jesus did not choose a luxurious place to be born but preferred the humility that represented being born in a stable, likewise we must understand that He came to earth to dwell in the lives of humble, simple and willing people to establish His kingdom in their lives.

Emmanuel has arrived: God with us is the promise that He is on our side, lives within us and His power is manifested through our life. When He is with us, our path becomes a way of blessing for our own lives and those around us, because we will no longer be alone making decisions, but it will be the Spirit of God guiding us at all times.

When God Immanuel reveals himself to our life, we will see reflected these blessings:


"He who dwells in the shelter of the Highest will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to Jehovah: My hope, and my castle; My God, in whom I will trust. " Psalm 90: 1-2

This word describes exactly what happens when we have the revelation of God Immanuel: a full confidence in Him is developed and we can experience what it is to be under His protection.

Many times there are adverse circumstances that are like strong winds that try to hit our emotional, spiritual, financial, family life, and the enemy takes advantage of these situations to sow negative seeds in the mind of man, with ideas like "God abandoned me", " He does not listen to me and does not know what I'm going through, "but you must identify that this is nothing more than a lie of the adversary, and that Jesus, with every outpouring of His Blood (in Gethsemane, when blood gushed from his body completely wounded after receiving 39 lashes, when the crown of thorns was placed on his temples, when the beard of His face was plucked, when his hands and feet were nailed to the tree, and when the spear was stuck in his side) conquered by We won over the enemy and went through those difficult times so that we did not have to go through them.

That is why we must learn to adore Jesus and trust Him because He is Almighty, Omnipotent and has become our hope in the face of trial.


"Because a moment will be his anger, but his favor lasts all his life. At night the weeping will last, and in the morning joy will come "Psalm 30: 5

When God Immanuel reveals himself to your life, all circumstances begin to change, because you are no longer just making decisions about your life, future, family, or your emotions, but it is Jesus who guides all your steps and gives you direction and purpose.

There are times when we do not see God's clear answer in certain things, but as this psalm says, if Jesus is on your side, the moments of sadness, bitterness, pain, uncertainty and trial are over, and He changes them. for moments of joy, joy, restoration, restitution, because He makes all things new. A new beginning has arrived!

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