God wants to bless you

The blessing invokes the active support of God for the welfare of the person, implies health, provision, and happiness, power and capacity for perseverance, in the person who receives it.


Genesis narrates that God, on completing each day of creation, blessed it (Cf. Gen 1-2). When Noah left the Ark, he received the blessing of God (Cf. Gen 9,1). In the time of the Patriarchs, the head of each tribe and family blessed. God commanded the priests to bless the people (Num 6: 23-26). Jesus Christ and the Apostles blessed, so the practice passed to the Church as the greatest of the sacramentals.

In every blessing of God narrated in the Bible, there is always a special anointing, an impact of supernatural power.

Thus the blessings of God: They made impossible things possible. They gave power, guidelines and "supernatural" ability to live according to the will of God. They gave spiritual authority to humanity, etc.

As human beings, we tend to see things from the perspective of the earth instead of the perspective of heaven. After all, this is the place where we live now. It's all we know. But God is not limited by anything, because nothing is impossible for Him.

So when you feel that the pressure in your life is crushing you and hope fails, look up. Remember that He left heaven to rescue us. And ask the Lord to breathe in the fresh air of spiritual vision and a healthy vision for your being. This can make all the difference in the world.

God never discourages his children, never. And God never wants his children to be burdened under the weight of discouragement.

God wants to lift your spirits right now. He can fill you with hope and He can ward off the terrible feelings of doom and discouragement.

Knowing how much God wants that for you can be a big step in the direction of true encouragement.

God wants to teach you how to bring all thought and obedience to Christ

Until we learn how to handle our thoughts, we will be swept away by every little thing that distracts or tempts us. Only when we learn to control our thoughts is that we begin to experience the peace that God wants to give us at each moment.

And although there will still be setbacks in the area of "thought management," life is much more pleasant when our thoughts are in line with the goodness of God and God's will for our lives.

God wants to bless you in all aspects of your life. He wants to bless you with health, peace and spiritually. He knows all your needs. He is your provider. His is the gold and the silver. Do not worry; He takes care of you. God made everything beautiful in his time. Be the blessing of God with you now and always.

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