God of the impossible

Luke 1: 37-39


Because nothing is impossible for God

Let me remind you something ...
You, in past times, saw how God unknowingly took you out of that problem that you never thought you were going to get out of ...
You saw it so hard, but he did ...
With that, God showed you that he is always ATTENTIVE with every step you take for this world ...
But he also showed you how ALMIGHTY is to do all things much beyond what you can think or imagine ...
That UNEXPECTED action of God, I encourage you to continue forward ... !!!
But nevertheless...
Now you are facing ANOTHER impossible situation ... !!!
You are leaving one ... !!! And you enter another ... !!!
I know that you see that problem in a great way UNAMOVABLE ...
You can not move either backward or forward ...
Nothing and nobody can get it out of where it's stuck like a stake ...
It's as if you want to uproot a heavy oak with your hands ... !!!
Humanly speaking this DISAPPEARS YOU, because when considering all the existing possibilities, you realize that there is NO.

In addition, the people around you contribute their share of discouragement by transmitting words that are DESPERATE.
You're tired or tired of hearing them ...
You got discouraged ...

What I advise you at this moment, is that you bring to your memory that GREAT PORTENT that God did to your favor in the past, and in which you proved how POWERFUL it is ...
Now ... Look carefully ... What God did to you in the past, today he can do it again ... For him, there is nothing that is impossible ...
God is AWARE of what is happening to you right now, remember it.
You, better than anyone, can assure you ... He already heard your request ... And he will answer it ...

You need to activate the FE button ...
Remember that God is EXERCISING you in it ...
That's why you're allowing all these things ...
God wants you to BELIEVE that he is able to REMOVE from his place that PROLONGED and ROUGH problem ...
They are very, very deep roots ...
That problem that gives the impression that it is going to stay SOWN where it is now ...
God is able to REMOVE HIM ...
But declare it right at this moment WITHOUT DOUBT ...
Suspend this reading for a moment, and declare that God will do it ...

He is living today ... He hears you ... His POWER is at your command ... But you need to believe him ...
If he did it in the past, how do you think he will not do it NOW?
Of course, if he can do it ...
Leave in your hands what you can not REMOVE in these moments ...
ANIMATE ... !!!
While the solution arrives, then let yourself STRENGTHEN with the power of the Holy Spirit within you ...
Because in his time he will work ...

John 11:40

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