Do it from the heart


It is easy to start living a life "in the eyes of others." But what about the eyes of God? Have I taken His will into account? Paul exhorts us to be vigilant, so that we serve God and not men.

"And whatever you do, do it with your heart, as for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23.

A very short and simple verse but with a fantastic liberating message! When I do everything from the heart to the Lord, then all the ambitions to impress others go away. Everything I do, I do for God!

When the boss enters ...

Usually, it usually happens that we work a little faster when the boss enters. This happens almost unconsciously, and it does not seem to be so serious. However, this reveals a great truth about myself: I was born with an instinct to worry about what others think of me. Why do not I always work with the same speed and effectiveness?

Paul knew human nature, and was aware of this weakness. He mentions it very aptly in several of his letters. In the letter to the Ephesians write clearly about how we as disciples of Jesus are called to serve and work:

"Not serving the eye, as those who want to please men, but as servants of Christ, from the heart doing the will of God; serving in goodwill, as to the Lord and not to men. "Ephesians 6: 6-7.

If I am worried about what others believe and think about me, and I care to please them all the time, it means that I do not have an ear and a sense to listen to everything that God wants to tell me in situations. He has put me in the place where I am for a reason, he has given me tasks that I have to do, that is why I need to raise my eyes so that I can see the same opportunities that He sees.

Am I a servant of Christ in everything I do?

"But as servants of Christ ..." I am called to be a servant of Christ! How does a servant of Christ behave at work? How does he or she think? A servant of Christ always rejoices in the Lord! A servant of Christ does everything to keep his heart pure! A servant of Christ is called to be righteous in all things. A superficial and "pleasing" Christian life is not the goal for someone who follows Jesus, but one who "... earnestly does God's will." (Philippians 4: 4, Proverbs 4:23, 1 Timothy 6:11)

When I remain in His presence consciously and constantly, living a pleasant life in the eyes of God, the decisions that I must make also become much clearer. Should I see this, read or say this other? God cares for me and is watching over me. If I always ask myself: what do you think about what I do? I can always purify my thoughts and for that reason I receive a peace in life that only those who live for God come to know.

"Assuredly, I say to you, as soon as you did it to one of these my younger brothers, you did it to me." Matthew 25:40.

We are called to be a blessing on earth, and to be a blessing because of the name of Jesus. When I do something for my fellow men, then I have the possibility to do something for Jesus! Whether I give a smile, wash the dirty dishes or give a sum of money to someone I know needs it. By doing these things at the same time I can think, "I am doing it for my dear Jesus." These works offer a totally new dimension, and I no longer need to receive any honor or gratitude from others, as I have already received What I need from Jesus - He sacrificed His life for me, and He has given me the possibility of being similar to Him! Now it's my turn to do something in return!

If I want to be a blessing, I receive grace to bless; little by little it becomes something that I do consciously to live worthy of my calling, and I do it with joy. Thus I become a true servant of Christ, one who lives before the eyes of God. When I let God guide me and not people, I can be an example and produce a great effect in those around me. I become a light on earth, a sign that the life of Jesus can also come out of me.

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