Be a Christian and a professional musician in the secular area

Let's accept it If you are a Christian and a musician, you probably have a relationship of love and hate with secular music. If music is a hobby and you serve in the praise of your local church, perhaps your relationship with secular music is not incredibly stormy, but you are certainly not indifferent to the difference between Christian and secular music. Maybe you listen to a healthy mix of both musical currents and nobody gives you problems. But what happens when you are a musician by profession, and not only do you listen to secular music, but you also write it, produce, play and or sing because that is where most of your comes from? If you are in that group of people, or dream of becoming one, keep reading. Next we will talk about some of the risks, risks and opportunities of being a Christian musician working in secular music.

Before continuing to write, for this article to have some weight, let me tell you what my work is. I am a composer and a music producer. I have had the opportunity to produce music (Christian and secular) in Chile, Mexico, the United States and Australia. Some of my works currently sound on radio and TV throughout Latin America, and have been on various hit lists. I've played in some of the biggest festivals in my country (Chile), and I've had the opportunity to tour different cities playing guitar and violin with different renowned artists. I am also a Christian, and I serve in the music of my local church.

How is my life? Of the most normal. Music for me is a job like any other. That yes, it comes with some "perks" of which we are going to talk next.

Be a Christian and a professional musician in the secular area

Some people in my church believe that because I am a musician, I live in an area of ​​society full of sex, drugs and rock and roll. The truth is that while there is all this in my field, it is not far from any other. I have friends accountants, engineers and lawyers who work in offices where the consumption of drugs and acts of sexual immorality are daily bread. And it is true, a Christian must take care of his walk, especially in the field of music, because there are temptations, and the life of the musician is usually a little more public than that of an accountant. The musicians are in front of our churches playing an instrument, and in some cases, we play in front of thousands of people who then recognize us when they leave the stage. That means that as Christian musicians, we have to take care of our actions and worry about being salt and light. It's hard? Sometimes it is very difficult. But if you are a Christian, you know that it is difficult to keep your testimony anywhere. The only difference is that on this side there are more eyes watching.

Some people in the church do not agree with me writing songs that are not explicitly Christian. This is a curious struggle that affects Christian musicians in a very particular way. The architects of my church are not required to only design temples. Why are we being required to write music for the church? At this point, it must be said that as a Christian composer, it is difficult for me to write something that is not, at least, impregnated with my Christian values. As a composer I do not write songs that promote sexual immorality, not only because I do not agree with publishing such content, but because it is not in me to do it; I'm not like that. To give you an example, I leave you with the following question: How do I write about my love for drugs, if I do not use them?

On the other hand, we must say that as musicians, we have to know that our work is a powerful communication tool. The Bible says a lot about the use of our words and their power. What we say or sing can give life or literally kill a person. If you write songs, be aware of that responsibility.

Secular music: my missionary field

The next point I want to touch is not necessarily a gaje to be a musician, but a reflection that I have regarding musicians who feel a call to work in secular music. Our environment is a missionary field that needs much more than beautiful and inspirational songs. I've lost count of the times I've heard Christian kids say they want to "impact the secular world with their songs full of values". It is not that there is something wrong with wanting to change the world, or that your songs are full of values. Unlike. If you are a Christian, it should be inherent to you that you want the whole world to know Jesus (that is, for the world to change), and to speak things from your Christian point of view. But I'm sorry to break your bubble and tell you that is not enough. First of all, if you think about making a career composing only "uplifting" and inspirational songs, that is, very probably, commercially unfeasible for several reasons that we can not comment here, because it gives for a book. On the other hand, it seems that we forget that the people we work with also need to know the gospel. As in any other job, your classmates are also part of your mission field. The music industry is not composed only of stars. There are producers, instrumentalists, illuminators, engineers, managers, booking agencies and countless people who also need to know the Jesus who transformed your life. That is your real missionary field. That's where only you can get.

Our identity: Christ

In closing, I would like to comment on the following. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). If you dream of being a musician, maybe it's a dream that God put in your life. Maybe, you consider it as a call for you. Be that as it may, remember that our identity as Christians is not based on what we do, but on who loved us hanging on a cross. Being a musician has very glamorous facets and difficulties that few understand. My only and great advice for you, is that you learn to make the gospel your true treasure. So, whatever you do, you will be salt and light where you go. Be a musician, lawyer or whatever you want to be.

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