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This is a daily scriptural devotional guide from my church Christ Apostolic Church and please kindly expect this from me almost daily because it is a food for the spirit. Thank you


DATE: Thursday, 5th April, 2018


📖 READ: Psalm 90:12

MEMORISE: So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

What is to number our days? The Hebrew root word for number is mana, which literally means to compute something arithmetically. Used in the context of Psalm 90, where the Psalmist spoke of God’s wrath and unique ability, to see through all person’s secret sins. We get the idea that to number is not merely to count a person’s age or try to ask God for a prophesy. The fact is that unless revealed by God, none of us knows how long we will live. We could be living another 50 years; we could also be brought back home in God’s presence, tomorrow. Hence, in the light of this truth, the Psalmist prayed that we should make our time here on earth count, as much for the Lord as possible. In doing so, we shall gain a heart of wisdom.

Wisdom is an idea much cherished by the Psalmist, for with wisdom comes true joy in the Lord. No wonder Psalm is grouped with the Wisdom Literatures. For this to happen, we cannot rely on worldly management theories, but we are to ask of the Lord to teach us. Indeed, God will teach us, if we are willing, and He will mainly teach us through His Word, our prayers with Him and the anointed voices of His ministers.

Numbering our days is an easy concept to know, but a challenging thing to put into practice. It is easy to frequently fall into an auto-pilot mode, because that is a much more comfortable way of doing things. We often do not pause to ask of the Lord each day to teach us: Lord, what and how would You have me serve You today, like it is the last? We could be surprised by the Lord’s answer, if we ask such questions of Him frequently enough. Sometimes, He wants us to catch precious opportunities to share the Gospel with someone; sometimes, He just wants us to be faithful in the things we do on a daily basis. Whatever it is, we believe that if we go as the Lord desires, we shall rejoice and be glad all our days, even in times of affliction.


  1. My Lord and my God, teach me to number my days, because it matters to You.

  2. Lord, teach us to number our days so that we can live as living sacrifices for Your glory.

  3. Help us, Lord, to be patient, open and humble enough to learn wisdom, according to the order of Your Word.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: Joshua 8 - 9 & Acts 7


Good morning Sir/Ma., have a fabulous weekend and do remain richly blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ our Redeemer!


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