Good morning and happy Sunday to you all. It is your one and only girl on Steemians. I bring good tidings from my families. Today,I shall be taking you on how to share God's word. Yes,it is a mandate from Heaven that we should preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. But it is a pity that some people who called themselves Christian don't know how to share God's word,it is either the person is not filled yet or he is shy/ashamed of the gospel which should not be so.

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  • In the family: In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 God instructed His people Israel on what to do with His word at home. The same instruction applies to us today. Our home (family) is the first and finest place to evangelize, using practical life experiences. (Give examples of how best this can be done.)

  • Among school mates: At school, mates discuss many topics, including those that do not edify or increase their academic knowledge. A Christian can use such opportunity to share his faith in Christ. He can tell how God is blessing him through his devotion. He can also share testimonies of happenings in his life. He can speak of the positive changes that have come into his life since he committed his life to Jesus.

  • At work: The same methods that are used at school (Number 2 above) are applicable in the place of work.

  • At social and political gatherings: Christians face lots of challenges among their colleagues in political and other social gatherings. Each Christian must understand his position in Christ. "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.... But wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:13,17).

  • In commercial vehicles: Sometime ago Christians used to witness in commercial buses. In order to stop them ,owners of such commuters wrote in them inscriptions like "No preaching here." However, preaching in taxis or buses doesn't have to be done loudly. One can give tracts or discuss with the person sitting next to you without drawing the attention of others.

  • In Church and other religious gatherings: Not all who go to church or other Christian gatherings are born again. Many professing Christians in are yet to have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus as their personal saviour. One can prayerfully be led to witness to such people.

  • In Internally Displaced People's (IDP) Camps: lt is interesting to know here that God led some Christians to organize schools for the internally displaced children in their camps. By so doing, they are reaching both the children and their parents with the gospel. Some Christians went to Southern Sudan to do similar thing in camps.

  • Other Institutions in which people are distressed: (E.g. prisons, hospitals , refugee camps).There are prison ministries. The same is true of hospitals and refugee camps. The church should teach and encourage members to identify their spiritual gifts and the ministries where they can put the gifts to use. The field was already ripe for harvest in the days ofJesus. It is even more ripe now that we are experiencing population explosion.

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1 Through printed materials: Tracts and other Christian printed materials are powerful tools for evangelism. They can travel faster than those who printed or distributed
them. They can be placed anywhere and will not complain but will do their work.

2 E-mail and social media: These are also powerful channels for evangelism. Unfortunately today, social media is used by Satan to corrupt the world. Christians too can flood social media with the gospel. It is not costly at all to send bulk sms. Yet it can be used to reach hundreds of people with the gospel message at the same time. Using the face book is almost free!

3 House-to-house witnessing: This was one of Paul's strategies. "You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house" (Acts 20:20). We should be challenged by Jehovah Witness people who always go from house to house. We believe they do not have the real gospel. Yet they are so committed to the spread of their teaching!

4 Personal Witnessing: This is the most effective method of evangelism, particularly if one adopts "friendship evangelism." By this, you become a friend with a neighbour,a colleague, with the aim of winning him/her for Christ. You can do this with your mechanic, barber, hair dresser, laundryman, electrician.

5 By inviting a person or two to your church: This is another way through which you can share the word of God. When you invite people to your church and listens to the wonderful sermon of the man of God,then the person will be convinced to listen and accept Jesus Christ.




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