STEEMCHURCH-The gift of free will

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A very good day to you brothers and sisters. Most people have been bent on asking couple of questions that seem like, it's all God's fault for humanity to be how it is today. People tend to judge blindly and without proper reasoning.

People most times blame God for knowing satan was going to sin, Adam and eve was going to sin and God still allowed it happen, without a preventive measure. People go as far as saying, God actually allowed satan sin, in other to punish humanity. People make so much blame that they say, God not destroying satan and even came down to earth to die for our sins, caused by satan and still allowed satan do what he does, is something they can't comprehend.

But the fact is this, Isaiah gave us an insight on how God works.

Isaiah 55: 8-9 (NIV)

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

The book of Isaiah specifically told us, the ways of our Lord is different from our ordinary human ways. Just as the heavens are above and higher than the earth, so is his ways are higher and above ours.


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God is the divine creator of the universe and he created even he whom we all know as satan in the bible, but when God created him, he was an angel and one of the most beautiful angels ever made. He was even described as the morning star, his beauty was astonishing, and i believed because he saw how good he was made and his superiority over other angels, also the respect he was given by other angels, he felt he could be like God and seat on the throne of God. That my brother and sisters, was a huge abomination, which caused a battle in heaven.

When God made his creation, he was sure to give us free will, because he never wanted us to be obligated to do what ever he say, he wanted it to be actually what we wanted to do. He gave us a choice to choose between good and evil, but man decided to go with evil. So also it is with the angels of heaven, they were created with the gift of free will, and that's why the devil thought he could overthrow God's throne and become God. If God was to take our free will, no one will be able to have a choice in what to do, you have to do only what God says and you'll have no choice whatsoever.

Imagine a scenario, where you come from a family that never allow you make your own decisions, never allow you decide on what to do, every decision you seem to make, must be given by your family, making you feel like you don't have a life of your own. At a point you start feeling like an animal, that has no choice but to do what the owner wants.


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God never wanted such for us, because he loved us that much, he cherished us, even when our fore parents sinned against him, he still loved us and created a way for us to be with him, on the bases that we decide that by ourselves. God knows the impact of free will unto men, he knows that would sperate his people from those who are not his people and those who might want to go against him.

So the free will of God is a gift, that we must use so dearly and appreciate. And it also gives us a better chance to show our Lord and creator that we are for him and him alone, regardless of any situation that might arise on the journey to paradise.

As regards to the blame game in the beginning of this article, God was never and is still not responsible for what happens to mankind, he created everything perfect, he wanted us to be happy every seconds of our life here on earth. He created a world were we have nothing to worry about, no troubles or worries, a heaven in earth, but due to disobedience, we lost everything and even at our own fault, he still made a way fir us to still bw with him, if we want to. If you still love him, just as he has loved you even before you were born, you still have a chance of been with him forever in paradise.

Satan made choice and the lord had proclaim to us through thr book of revelation what is going to happen to satan at the right time, God is not going to allow Satan continue deceiving people through generation to generation, but at time will come, were he will pay the price of all his wrong doings and those who are for him, will also be with him, when judgement and condemnation is upon him from God.

Finally my dear brothers and sisters, let's take this free gift of free will that the good lord has given to mankind as a chance to do the write thing for a better chance to be with him at thd end of times for eternity.

Thank you for reading and God bless

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