Fruits and Our deliverance - Final Teaching

Fruits Will Take Us To Heaven

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Our final deliverance is to go to Heaven. That is when we would say we have been eternally delivered. Again we see fruits playing a major role here. Remember Caesar's tax money? The Lord had asked them. “whose image is this?" And they said it was Caesar. He then asked them to give to Caesar what belonged to him.

As each of us stands before the judgement seat of Christ. this same question Would be asked concerning us also. On that day it will be clear to us that all that matters in this life is to become the image of Christ we would see as people who had been Christians on earth even leaders, are released to hell because they are not in the image of Christ. They have the image of Caesar (the devil) instead! It is as serious as that.

It is only fruits that will save us. It is only fruits (life and character) of Christ we have that will open the door of Heaven to us. The work of God we did and the miracles we performed, and other good things we did on earth will not save us if we fail to appear as His image and with His fruits on that day! Matthew 7:22-23 makes that clear.

Matthew 7:22-23 English Standard Version (ESV)

22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Terrible! How awful it would be. Take note' that these are men and women of God, they are workers in churches and fellowships. They may even be great leaders, for them to have done “many wonders" in His name. But what is the problem really? The problem is that they are presenting works and gifts of the Spirit and none of these can give us a place in Heaven, because works and gifts cannot turn you into the image of Christ. They obviously had the gifts and works but they lacked the fruits which alone can make us Christlike. They had little or no fruits and so they were rejected. Now that we still have the chance still alive on earth, it is wise for us to go for the fruits and life of Christ, so that we will become Christ’s image. Let us pay more attention to this; rather than being too busy doing religious works and activities which God has not assigned to us.

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