Have you at any point been stood up to by somebody who said something like, "God instructed me to let you know"? Such explanations regularly are trailed by an "expression of learning, for example, "On the off chance that you just had more confidence, you would be mended." Or, maybe, "In the event that you were living right, you would not have lost your activity."
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Somebody, with empathy apparel his or her words, may even say, "God has revealed to me that He doesn't mean for you to be troubled. He could never need you to remain in this hopeless marriage; He needs you to be cheerful." Or, "God has revealed to me He needs you to be sound (or affluent or prosperous or issue free)."

Such words talked by earnest individuals inside our hover of Christian companions can place us into a spiral of enthusiastic obliteration and otherworldly uncertainty. It is particularly horrible and confusing when those words are articulated by somebody in a place of religious authority.

In what manner would you be able to and I know which voice speaks reality, which voice is authentic? Figuring out how to perceive the voice of God is basic, for our own genuine feelings of serenity as well as for building up an individual association with Him and for carrying on with an existence satisfying to Him. However how might we make sure the voice we hear is His? Jesus answers that inquiry using the illustration of the connection between the shepherd and his sheep.

Read John 10:1-10


What does God say in regards to the significance of figuring out which voice is authentic among the dissonance of voices clamoring for our consideration? See Deuteronomy 18:18-20 and Galatians 1:6-9.

What occasion in John 9 uncovered that the shepherds, the religious pioneers of Israel, talked with false voices as Jesus depicts?

In John 10:1-5, what are a portion of the criteria that Jesus gave for deciding a false shepherd? A genuine shepherd? Give a pragmatic application for every model.
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As indicated by John 10:3-4, what is the premise of the connection between the shepherd and his sheep?

In the illustration Jesus gave, who is the Shepherd? Who are the sheep? What is the Shepherd's voice today? How would we, the sheep, hear His voice? Give a case of a period when you have heard the Shepherd's voice.

As per John 10:5, for what reason do the sheep keep running from the false shepherd? Give a case from your own particular life.

What is completely important on the off chance that you and I are to recognize between the voices of the genuine and the false shepherds?

How does the response of the religious pioneers in verse 6 uncover their way of life as false shepherds?


What is the Good Shepherd ready to do that the false shepherd can't? See John 10:7-10.

How does Jesus' claim preclude the pluralism of our day? See John 10:7.

Give phrases from the accompanying verses that affirm the uniqueness of Jesus' claim: John 1:1-3, 9, 14, 18; John 3:2, 15-18; John 14:6; Acts 4:12.

What pragmatic advances will you take to ensure that the voice you are tuning in to is that of the Good Shepherd? We may not really "hear" the voice of God, but rather He speaks to us from various perspectives. Here are some of them:

God speaks through His Word

God speaks through our contemplations

God speaks through discussions with others
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God speaks through conditions
So we have the Bible, supplication, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our own particular hearts to help us in hearing God's voice. Would you like to hear God's voice? That is the last inquiry, for God reacts to willing hearts. In the book of Revelation, we read: "Here I am! I remain at the entryway and thump. On the off chance that anybody hears my voice and opens the entryway, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20). God will never compel you to obey Him, yet sits tight for your ready reaction to His call. Is it accurate to say that you are hearing His voice at the present time? Try not to give your last answer a chance to be the wrong one.

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