Many Students Hungry, Reached, Enlightened and attended to!

Hello family, Glory to God in the highest.

Today, I want to share with you about our outreach report yesterday on Sunday which left many lives touched by Gods love.

I went with @evangelistjotham , Lynnet Gabriella, Excellent Brenda, Matthew, and Suzie to do the amazing kingdom assignment.

We went to Canan High school in Lugazi in Central Uganda. we ministered to over 150 students with the word of God and then after had a question and answer session.

These were of mixed religions, among them Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Born agains, Moslems, SDA and among others.

At first, we danced gospel music and shared the word with them in John 4:23-24 about worshipping God in truth and Spirit.

John 4:23-24
[23]But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.
[24]For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”

It was wonderful to see the students fall in love with worship. After, we had an amazing lunch and then resumed with the afternoon session of counselling.

We talked about how to overcome addictions especially Pornography and masturbation among young people. The students afterwards opened up to us about this issue and how many were affected and wanted to come out!

Pornography has eaten up so many of young people in secondary schools and hence has led to a lot of sexual perversion in society.

Pornography is bad because of the following;

  • It leads to an addiction
  • It encourages and promotes masturbation which is evil and improper
  • It is a sin against God
  • Leads to sexual perversion
  • Encourages immoral thoughts
  • Promotes Guilt
  • Leads to stunted spiritual growth in a Christian.

We also talked on Experience with the Holy Spirit, how to speak in tongues and how one can discover their calling as a Christian!

why do we need the Holy Spirit and His presence in our lives?

  • To help us pray and read the word
  • To enable us to hear the voice of God
  • To guide us daily in our walk with God and fellow human beings
  • To help us be sensitive to the things of God
  • To comfort us in hard times.

Then we winded up by leading them in confession prayer and having one on one prayers and more counselling.

Thank you @evangelistjotham for sacrificing your time amidst tight programs you have. God bless you.

The whole session ended at 8:30pm.

We bless the Lord for the opportunity to reach out and the cover from Spiritual parents, Apostle Joel and Christine Natala.

Remember, There is Nothing impossible with God


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