Welcome to the blog of @Sc-v

In the last two months we have been doing an arduous job in the streets, with the communities, churches, this with the implementation of the fixed and mobile children's dining rooms "Bread From Heaven". Some strategies have been established to promote this social project, among which are the tour of media, radio, written press and other social networks, unifying criteria and establishing alliances to achieve the objectives raised.

One of the things that has been observed in this preliminary investigation, is that many people are interested in learning and knowing about the Blokchain technology, steem, steemit. Not only natural persons, but people of a legal nature. I have always believed that Blockchain is the technology that will change the world, as a Systems Engineer, I periodically carry out my analysis in this regard, in the last few days I have not stopped thinking that it should exist a multiplier effect in the use of this technology in the Latin American region, although conferences, events, etc. have been established, more impetus is necessary.

In one of my last interviews on the radio, they ask me about the financing of the project, then we started to explain a bit about the blockchain, the cryptocurrencies, it was the third time in the same day. We started talking among ourselves what was necessary to do, and maybe as part of our social responsibility is to promote the platform, the blockchain and go deeper into the steem.

As a Christian, I have always focused on social work because I feel that what we do should always leave a mark where we go, it is a way to give back a little bit the talents that God has given us, when something is created with a benefit for the society, then we can talk about purpose. Something in my heart is to go that extra mile, and somehow encourage the use of blockchain in our country, with a campaign entitled "Blockchain, technology with purpose" something that goes beyond our own interests and that will leave a legacy in the world, I would like Venezuela to be ready for the use of the block chain, there are many potential to do so, with real projects, the blockchain would take a relevant role in applications in the sector of health, or functions in the public sector that would improve administrative processes.
Reduce times and improve the quality of life of people "I imagined this, for the social work that I'm doing with the children's dining rooms.


God has given me the opportunity in these months to create an excellent team in @sc-v, a multidisciplinary team, with exceptional talents, I have stopped analyzing each of them, and the way they can collaborate while they enjoy what make. We have done meetup to explain the platform of steemit, which have been successful, in this team there are doctors, lawyers, engineers, IT technicians, programmers, journalists, etc, with a unique experience in their areas of work.Menting one of them as @taty17 with 15 years of experience in the oil industry, in logical security, and with extensive knowledge in the use of the blockchain.

Since a little over a year ago, cryptocurrencies began to generate great interest in the population due to their importance as assets for investment and savings. In countries like Venezuela, where the national currency loses its value in an accelerated manner, this "exchange rate" has positioned itself strongly. The increase in transactions meant that the value of the cryptocurrencies and the technology behind them (the Blockchain) rose in an unusual way, triggering another business: the advice and training in this area.

Our objective is to start workshops, where we will explain how to use this technology in the managerial, financial and business development areas.
It is a 20-40 hour academic training space that follows a scheme similar to that of international institutions in the area of training. The ignorance that exists due to the novelty of these systems is what makes the advice and training in cryptocurrencies (and Blockchain in general) so attractive.

Depending on the approach, learning can change. However, we can handle basic content such as what is the Blockchain and the technologies that work under it, to specialized topics such as programming under the most important protocols, creation of digital content, applications, etc. It will also offer tools for business managers who want to know where to apply the technology in their companies, and the processes to be developed to differentiate themselves from the competition, either with an advanced digital architecture, or with security measures above the rest.

We can not leave out the university houses where the professionals of our country are being trained, from there promote the development and the application of the blockchain technology.

Finally, to make known Blockchain, like the technology that was born with the purpose of impacting lives, placed at the service of society. We consider that there is much to be done. Blockchain-based systems could also help to improve the reputation of charities. There is a brave new world, waiting to be explored by those who want to give back a little.

For more information:
Whatsapp: +584265810831

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