STEEMCHURCH- Purpose of Gods call


Many at times, people don't realize the true calling of God. Everyone on a pulpit today would say, God called him or her to work for him, but the question is this, Do you know the purpose of your calling?

Back in the old days, God never called anyone, without letting them know their purpose of the call. He called so many great prophets, who's primary duty was to spread the good news and proclaim messages that the good Lord want the people to hear. For example, people like Moses, Elijah, Joshua, Elisha, Jeremiah, Paul, Silas, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Samuel and so on. These set of people and their likes in the bible, were particularly called by God to carry out errands of delivery God's word to the people or anyone who its meant for. Their life and partern of doing things will have almost some similarities.


•They have nothing to do with wealth or riches.

•Their divine purpose was purely passing on messages for God, they were more of God's Messengers.

•They had a very normal lifestyle, without anything to make them standout in public, except when they start pronouncing God's word, or when they carry out the duty of the Lord.

•Their standard of living was more of average, because they tend to travel alot and moved from one place to another, while working for God.

•Their means of livelihood, was solely depended on God and they have nothing to worry about, cause when God calls you, he always makes provision for your welfare.

Now, we have our kings and rulers, These are people that God find capable of leading his people, these are not Messengers, these are not prophets, they are divinely selected by God for the purpose of leading the peoole the way God wants the people to be led.

And most importantly, these kings most times, don't communicate with God directly, most times, God talk to them through his prophets, his Messengers, and these kings, reagrdless of their powers, show absolute respect for the Messengers of God, because they carry the divine instructions of God, on how they are to carry out their duties.

And while on the duty of ruling and kingship, God always makes sure that, everything needed for the purpose of their work force is provided. They are allowed to be rich and and wealthy, acquire whatever they want, and in most of their stories you find out that, the riches would want to make them stray away from God, but God always has his Messengers to pass a solid warning, if they happen to do things differently from what he has instructed them to do.

Example of such kings are David, Solomon, Saul and so on.

We all know how King Saul was disobedient to God even while he was king and God took away his kingship and gave it to David.

1 Samuel 16: 1

16 The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”


That's to show you that, even at your peak, you need to show absolutely respect and be obedient to God, or else the same way he brought you up, is same ways he's goint to take it back from you.

Now in this present times, people need to understand the purpose of their calling, you can't say, God called you to carry out his messages, like a prophet and you live and work like a king, you claim to be a messenger of God, but you don't move from your luxurious churches, or your mansion homes, you walk around with heavily armed securities, what are you scared of? the devil?

You claim to be a messenger of God and you've never gone to villages, outskirts of towns, people that have not been opportune to hear the word of God and feel the good news in their heart, to talk to them about Christ and salvation.

If God need you to be a particular ruler of a particular area, he's going to make it clear, If God need you to be a prophet and carry out his duty on his people, he's going to make it clear. Don't complicate the work of God and use it for your own selfish interest, else you might just incure the wrath of God without even knowing.

So brothers and sisters, it is better you pray and allow God speak to you and direct you on the part he wants you to follow and work for him.

May the a good Lord grant us his divine direction, so we might not be lost. Amen.

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