Do you know that any moment from now, the rapture can take place in a twinkling of an eye. This is the earnest expectation of every believer in Christ. Life on this earth becomes increasingly unbearable; violence, disasters and numerous weird issues daily assaulting our sense of decency and general well-being.

Happenings around us indicate that the rapture may soon take place, but the question is, are you ready to take-off? In preparing for the rapture, you must guard against the tendency to become presumptuous in your thinking.

Many people feel that if they stick to some set of rules; then they will surely make it to heaven. Unfortunately, it does not work that way! Making rapture is not just based on personal grit or following a code of conduct because “all our righteousness are as filthy rags.

We can never be good enough as candidate of heaven, only God’s righteousness can make us eligible. Little wonder, Apostle Paul said not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.

Therefore, your confidence and assurance of making heaven should not be based on your effort but on the mercy of God. However, this does not rule out the fact that you must watchfully play your part. Depending on God’s mercy is not an excuse for frivolity or carnality.

A standard has been set by God himself. Heaven is too pure to accommodate any form of impurity. If the flesh is still pampered or tolerated, then you are not prepared for the coming of the Lord. It is not enough to make a one-time response to respond to a sinner’s prayer.

You need to consistently cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Another thing you need to do consistently is watch and examine yourself. This goes hand in hand with sobriety, temperature and moderation.

The Christian race should not be treated like a tea party; it is a serious business, a matter of life and death! So we need to settle down to business and run this race with the fervor it deserves. Are you struggling with sin, repent now, forsake all your sins and walk with the Lord with all the ardour you can muster.

Only then will you be ready for a glorious take-off. God bless you. Happy new week.

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