Make your spirit alive


For God is the one who said: “Let the light shine out of darkness,” and he has shone on our hearts to illuminate them with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ.

The way we live today, it is easier for us to place our value on ourselves and others based on what we can see and touch. We easily forget that we are more than what people can see. rather that the best of us cannot be seen with the physical eyes or touched with bare hands.

2 Corinthians 4:7 says if you look only at us, you might well miss the brightness.We carry this precious message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.That is to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us.The Apostle was in other words saying that if you have God on your inside. it is easy for people to still look at you and see your fragile body. but beyond the you they see there is an incredibie power that is within you and that power is the power of God's word.

Many forms of sicknesses ravage our physical bodies, Worries wear our minds out and anxiety shoots up our blood pressure. Even with others sicknesses stiffen our loints and paralyzes one half of their bodies. But this incomparable power of God lives in our Spirits and because of that fact though our bodies wear away. the power of God‘s word does not diminish one bit. So where would you rather invest more in your body or in your soul?

By all means you should take care of your physical body but you should also realize that the wellness of your spirit is what determines the wellness of your physical bodeour body. no matter how well you care for it will diminish in value because it is just clay, but the word of God that you contain does not diminish in value and that is what you ought to till your soul with.

This day that God has blessed.l want to ask you where you would rather place your value,your body or your soul For the Apostle, he chose his soul, which is why he was able to say that though he was not much to look at he had been surrounded by troubles, but was not demoralized; he was not sure what to do but he knew that God knows what to do; he had been spiritually terrorized but God had not left his side; he had been thrown down but wasn’t broken.his only reason was that Christ lives in him. Can you say the same?

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