Did you ever at any point in your life have to call up people that you looked up to for your big break? Did you ever have to call or visit them all the time, because you needed them to know that you are still expecting them to help you open a door to greener pastures? Or even as you listen to me now, you have scheduled today as a day to puts phone calls across to that uncle or aunt who is highly placed somewhere. Nobody knows how it is for you like God and it is to him you must put a call across to every day and every moment.


he will never allow your feet to slip.the one guarding you will never be drowsy
God can see us when we sin and when we do good.Yes He is disappointed when we don't follow Him, but in His love, He still protects us.And, most importantly, He is always ready to accept us back into His fold.When we do find God again, we are often scared to tell Him what we've been doing. Here's a news flash: He already knows. He sees what we do in the light and the dark. It is not God's nature to want to crush us in our sin or ridicule us for what we've done.

The bible says in Luke l2:6-7 “What is the price of five Sparrows two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them.And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid;you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”This is usually hard for us to believe because we have concluded to ourselves that we must be actively doing something to make ends meet. Of course, I endorse work and commitment but your toil is nothing if God does not bless it. Don't you ever wonder how some people still end up on top even if you work harder and longer than they do?

The secret is not in your strategies or your planning, the secret is in you realizing that God can reach you right where you are. He alone can make prosperity flow to you like a river, and that is irrespective of where you are. Part of our problem is that we keep asking God for what we can use here and now, but He tells us to ask of Him and He will give us the nations for our inheritance.

Don't you realize now how little you have been asking? The treasures of your Heavenly Father are yours for the asking and it is His pleasure to give you all that you ask. God knows where you are and He can reach you without much ado.Turn your eyes away from where you have been looking and fix your God on God Almighty.

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