What arouses in us the phrase "seek and find God in all things!
Search and find are two terms that, in a first approximation, seem very separated one from the other. "Search": always first and at the beginning of a process. "Find": always after and at the end of a tour. As if they were two poles away from the same road that we imagine long, hard and difficult to travel.

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Many of the Christians of today, especially religious and religious who are immersed in the activity, feel more or less strength three yearnings. One is the yearning for a greater and deeper experience of God; another is the search for unity in our people, and also in our activities and relationships with others; another is the desire for a certain emotional fullness. These three aspirations correspond to three characteristics that occur in our current society. On the one hand, what we might call the opacity of the world. We live in a secularized world, in the midst of a culture of unbelief, a society in which religion is irrelevant, an opaque world. God is not always denied, and of course we do not deny it, but God does not become transparent at this time. Another feature of our society is the fragmentation of life. We live in a world where many of us in this society have a plurality, we belong to many groups, to many situations, to many fields of work, of community, of friendship. Finally, we also live an atomization of commitments, an ideological and ecclesial pluralism, and often, what is worse, a kind of schizophrenia or internal disintegration. And, finally, another feature is the hardness and coldness of our society, a society that, unfortunately, is all contaminated by injustice, marked by anonymity, economism, utilitarianism.

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These circumstances explain, perhaps, the intensity of those three longings that I have indicated at the beginning: desire for a more lively experience of God, search for unity in the whole of life and also longing for a greater emotional fullness. For its part, Christianity comes to fulfill these deep desires of men and women of today, since it must always be a certain way of living the experience of God; It has to be a process of existential unification in the generous search of the Kingdom of
God and his justice; and, finally, Christianity must always be energized by love.

For this reason, the friendships you have, the relationships you establish, the achievements, the quality and fullness of consciousness with which you do your work, are situations where you can find holiness. In addition to this, the money you earn for family support and the esteem that you have of you as a contributor to the march of the world, help the construction of the Kingdom, or be an impediment to it. Day by day "we change and present ourselves" to work where we find more opportunities to learn about ourselves and thus contribute with our gifts to a better world.

It is easy to love another person when everything is going well. However, when there are hurt feelings, distrust, continuous clashes, we do not feel that our relationships come from God. Precisely in those moments is when we experience the action of God in our life, action that leads us to healing, trust and mutual cooperation. They can be opportunities for us to correct some behaviors and exercise some virtues.

We all want to be heroes. We always want to be the campers. Even so, it is a fact that some of us will fail seriously in our lives. However, when we go beyond our limits, or even when we sin, we turn to God to accept us, have mercy, and strengthen us to make amends and not sin again. When we return to God and open ourselves to his grace and forgiveness, we become better people.

"Our heart will not rest until it reaches you." Instead of trying to fill your inner emptiness with senseless entertainment or pleasing your longings, sit down, take time and find God in that emptiness. This task requires patience, courage, and humility, but even so, you will hear that "little voice" of God, who, even in the midst of your emptiness, responds to your loneliness with the only love that fully satisfies.


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